Ok NOW we have an issue

No, I can't even remember it too well. It was a few years ago.
I was a naughty little lad back then and I had made a large mud ball and thrown it at their house wall because I had got so pissed off with them so yeh, the hens increased their anger levels all the more and caused them to call the cops.
The cops didn't really have much to say to be honest. They left me alone because I was a youngster.
Don't judge me 😄 this is certainly not my everyday activities.
I look back in shame:rolleyes: those naughty hens!
Igot a load of mulch today. I may have mentioned in a different thread that I get the mulch when they chop trees up along the highway, city crews etc occasionally. Anyways...
Dropped that down and piled it up DEEP around the dig areas, they are going to have to go through a good foor or so to get past it now. I needed it down anyways, after all that rain i want to try to build my yard up a bit, or at least level out the low spots.

anyways. they got even.
I have one of those miracle fruit trees, it makes bright red berries (you see where this is going right??) and was loaded up pretty good this morning, it's NOT in a big cointainer, its a pretty hard fit to get around in it's smallish container. anyways, yep she managed, she got up in it and jumped up through the branches and ate every one of those berries. Luckily it's a pretty consistant producer until winter so ill get more but still NOT happy. it's got a fairly big pit in those berries. Will be interesting to see if that gets broken down or pooped out whole.

Can't find much online, am hoping its safe for them, either way, another tree that needs to be moved, or I just need to build a run and tell them no more free range, you get this 80 square feet or whatever it ends up at and learn to deal with it!

I wonder if the other brat would like them, they ARE very sweet berries. Ill need to go look for info on them and birds. not a common item you'd feed them so probably why there is not a heck of a lot of data on them and pets.

Perfectly safe, pit gets pooped out whole.
You can guess how I know.😂
Igot a load of mulch today. I may have mentioned in a different thread that I get the mulch when they chop trees up along the highway, city crews etc occasionally. Anyways...
Dropped that down and piled it up DEEP around the dig areas, they are going to have to go through a good foor or so to get past it now. I needed it down anyways, after all that rain i want to try to build my yard up a bit, or at least level out the low spots.

anyways. they got even.
I have one of those miracle fruit trees, it makes bright red berries (you see where this is going right??) and was loaded up pretty good this morning, it's NOT in a big cointainer, its a pretty hard fit to get around in it's smallish container. anyways, yep she managed, she got up in it and jumped up through the branches and ate every one of those berries. Luckily it's a pretty consistant producer until winter so ill get more but still NOT happy. it's got a fairly big pit in those berries. Will be interesting to see if that gets broken down or pooped out whole.

Can't find much online, am hoping its safe for them, either way, another tree that needs to be moved, or I just need to build a run and tell them no more free range, you get this 80 square feet or whatever it ends up at and learn to deal with it!

I wonder if the other brat would like them, they ARE very sweet berries. Ill need to go look for info on them and birds. not a common item you'd feed them so probably why there is not a heck of a lot of data on them and pets.

oh thats good to know, because i checked webmd and other places, since there really were no pet places, and pretty much, ... its claimed to be good for this and that. but there really is no real info on it...

like chocolate is good for us, but will kill your bird graveyard dead, so can't rely on the taste test either.


Edit: and birds can not taste capsicum either,so when they eat peppers and then come kiss you on the side of the mouth... you want to make them grave yard dead....
I'm going by three years of watching the miracle plant earn it's name because it is a miracle mine are still alive.
If it kills chickens it is extremely slow at it.😋
oh thats good to know, because i checked webmd and other places, since there really were no pet places, and pretty much, ... its claimed to be good for this and that. but there really is no real info on it...

like chocolate is good for us, but will kill your bird graveyard dead, so can't rely on the taste test either.


Edit: and birds can not taste capsicum either,so when they eat peppers and then come kiss you on the side of the mouth... you want to make them grave yard dead....
Don't judge me 😄 this is certainly not my everyday activities.
I look back in shame:rolleyes: those naughty hens!
Nobody is judging, you don't even want to know some of the horrible things i did. I was / am more of an electronics / engineering nerd. My neighbor whom I hated with a passion she got a new Mercedes at the time, had it half in and half out of her garage washing it, to keep it out of the hot sun. I pulled the crystal out of one of our garage door openers, remember the old CB's that had that spare crystal channel i think between 22 and 23 it was? anyways I plugged it into there, and then programmed my new at the time Apple IIe to do a sweep and uised the speaker output as a modulator to feed that into the CB's mixer input. long story short in about 35 seconds the computer would hit EVERY code that was possible on a garage door opener at the time, and the CB would broadcast it at 5 watts, versus the few milliwatts a regular garage door clicker had. Crunch goes the Mercedes...
Ole May Brown knew who it was but could not prove a thing :D

Well this gets even stranger. Yesterday i told you the brat has been in and ate my miracle berry bush fruits, she ate a LOT of them, seriously probably a dozen or more of the berries she got to.
First off, this photo really does not do justice to the eggs, the fluorescent lights in my kitchen for some reason are doing very strange things to the egg colors, makes the one almost look like you can see through it. but anyways.

Today she laid an egg. normally they are a darker brown color. Not super brown but a definitely brown color. Today the egg was a light cream color from her, not like bleach white but VERY white compared to all the rest of the other eggs she generally lays. yes the color can vary on them slightly from day to day, as does size, shape etc, you have chickens yourself, you get the idea. But I never seen one shift it's colors this much before in one day.

from the brown to the nearly white. I wonder if the miracle berries had something to do with it? I honestly don't know and thought egg color, for the most part was a genetic thing, ie a blue bird is not going to lay brown eggs etc.

YES this IS her egg too, the other birds, well, each birds eggs are unmistakable where it came from. one is very brown, the other HUGE, one pink color and kind of grainy texture, and her...lighter brown but smaller in size, the one on the left is probably one of her bigger eggs. This one was on the small size, for even her eggs, too.

Anyone else ever seen a certain, lets just say food.. change their egg color so much? or maybe it was just a defective egg, which happens from time to time, and the timing is just coincidental?


Yesterday she did not lay an egg but did first thing this morning. it's back to it's regular ish color. That was very strange that the egg would white out that much. But she's healthy and that's all that really counts. This heat is terrible out, the humidity is the killer, Im surprised they are laying at all.


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