Okay, day 26! (some pics!)

Contgratulations!! You and I are on about the same days with our hatch. I had 2 more to hatch today. I have several batches. My first ones arrived Thursday and like you , I was over the top excited! Still am!!!! 2 more hatched today. I have more to hatch next week.
What kind of chicks do you have? I have Frizzles and silkies to arrive this coming week and a few D'uccles. I also have some Bantam Polish and a few Cuckoo bantams. I love each one of them as they hatch. It's very exciting at my house too! Good luck with yours. I will post mine with pictures this weekend some time.
XD I have NO IDEA what they are. When they start to grow in their feathers, I'll end up asking you guys.

The kitty in question in Jackjack, by the way. Pretty russian-blue-looking one! The other cat is the evil, dog-chasing Queen Annabell, an orange tabby.
Wow! that cat must be confused. He /she can see the chicks but cant get 'em. I was in charge of hatching the eggs for science in 7th grade last year. I had to turn them ever since they came. When they hatched, the little guys were imprinted on me. they thought i was the momma. When i put my hand in the brooder, they would snuggle under it and fall asleep
. when anybody else put there hands in there, the little babies would chirp loudly and run away. And i wasnt aloud to take them home! :thun they were my children! they went with some jerk in my class
who abuses his animals. He was planning to use them as targets for his paint ball gun!......
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0.o They actually let them go with someone who planned on using them for paintball targets?!?! wow!! Who's more irresponsible, him, or the teachers for allowing him to take them home?
Zim, out of curiousity, how thick was the plexiglass? The stuff can normally be scored a few times on the same line. Then, by putting something under it, push down on it and it'll break on the score line.
Oh! Didn't know that! It's not that thick, but maybe you should tell that to Dad next time...

Aww Zimmy~Your JackJack looks EXACTLY like my Shadow! Mine's a Blue Russian wanna-be too! (His mama was pure, but daddy wasnt)

XDD Don't know about his daddy, but his mamma was a crazy mix. She made babies with some random cat in the neighborhood, and the owner couldn't keep the kittens... At least since I go to church with them, they can still her about Jackie!

Claire_Bear, that's horrible
Did you yell at you're teacher for that?

Speaking of imprinting, mine don't seem to be warming up to me that much... Not counting the day they hatched, they're five days old, but don't seem to like me a whole lot. I took advice from other boards about this, but every time I pick one up their first responce is to peep like they're being taken to their death, and then when they stop, I can feel them shaking
It's NOT a nice feeling.

If I haven't said it before, the final tally on names are Sammy, Hammy, and Martini (or Monte if she turns out to be a boy). I think Sammy, the youngest, mightmightmight be a boy, just because the way he's been acting. Whenever I go to put a papertowel under the waterer, he runs over to peck at it, and the other two run away. When I first put a little jinglebell pen in their, he ran and pecked at it while the others cowered until I took it out. Hmm... I really hope Sammy's a girl... That they're all girls...​

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