***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just took the dogs out and let the geese and juveniles out...there is FROST on the ground in central Oklahoma! Anyone with peppers and tomatoes in their gardens probably lost them unless they were well protected.
Heard a lady at the pharmacy yesterday when it started raining sleet describe Mother Nature as bi-polar this year....extreme highs and lows.
Guess Mother Nature needs to kick Old Man Winter in the rear. Lol

Update on little Sunshine, our month old calf that got stepped on. Amazingly, even with a foot she may still lose and daily shots of penicillin and rain and cold...she was out racing around the lot this morning ...on three legs. She ran up to me to scratch her head too and then bounded off for another run around the lot. We are treating the foot and leg with Blue cote and iodine as well as the shots for another 20 days. The vet thinks that when she was born and stepped on in the cold ...that circulation was cut off to the lower leg and tail and that she will slough off the tail and perhaps the foot.
I'm not sure where to post this, but you guys are amazing with replies! I got my 7 silkies today, I'm getting 8 Cochins next Wednesday and 15 barred rocks are being shipped May 22nd. What should I do about integration? Since all my babies have made it through this yucky day, I'm on to my next fear!

General rule is they can go together when the smaller ones reach 3/4 the size of the larger ones. I find they can go in slightly smaller though. Integrating at night is best.
Thanks Nana and Robin. Was hoping it was local, i have to be at work at noon, so unfortunately can't go. Still looking for a muscovy drake. The wife is currently breeding a flock of bantam nn. She has a real good start. One of them is a hen from dragon.
Will anyone have any rare colored guineas at Poops ?   I'm looking for Blondes, Cinnamon, sky blues, chocolates

We are setting around 9-10dz eggs a wk, just did our NPIP & Taron will be ready to sell eggs in another month I am guessing. Cinnamons are the only ones we don't have. Never sure what colors we will hatch, that is always up to the guineas. We obtained most of our colors by many long road trips, some 3+ hours away. Taron really loves her guineas!!!!

We had a tiny bit of frost her, it faded quickly. Curious to see how the greenbeans do, everything else was covered. Think farmers market will be a late start this yr.
It`s all good here and yourself? Are you hatching any Brazilians this year?

Good Friday Morning to all!

It`s a nipplely 37°F here this morning! I can`t remember every being this cold this late in the season! We were planning on going to the Bixby BBQ and Blues Festival tomorrow but with a 40% chance of rain and a high of 56°F....I think we will pass on that!

I hope y`all have a great weekend!

Can you train one of my roos to do this?

Watched some show about drilling for oil in Kentucky last night. Some guy bought a rooster for $3,000.00 at an auction. The roo was supposed to find oil. He didn't so they were selling him for $2.750.00. Reality TV?!
I don't know that I will make it this year for much of the festivities however may make the sale, I need to thin done some breeder birds that I have finished with. So if anyone is interested in the F1 breeders from my Birchen Rosecomb project they are available, I have what I need to move forward with. I will also have a trio or quad of show Black Rosecomb adults that were shown last year and bred from this year. I may have a few more birds to let go of but those are on the top of the list. We will see how things go on me making it but it be partially based on Steph's schedule as well as how many hours I get to stay away from work today and how long of a night it turns into.
I don't know that I will make it this year for much of the festivities however may make the sale, I need to thin done some breeder birds that I have finished with. So if anyone is interested in the F1 breeders from my Birchen Rosecomb project they are available, I have what I need to move forward with. I will also have a trio or quad of show Black Rosecomb adults that were shown last year and bred from this year. I may have a few more birds to let go of but those are on the top of the list. We will see how things go on me making it but it be partially based on Steph's schedule as well as how many hours I get to stay away from work today and how long of a night it turns into.
Hi Carl! Hope you and Stephanie can make it. Miss you both.
All of the name tags are printed. I added a few names that were not on the attending list but were on the wants/brings list. Each tag has your BYC name. You will fill in you real name at the event. I also printed a lot of extras.

On a side note I would love to discuss raising bees with some of you at Poops. I am thinking about starting a hive next year.
Thank you for getting the name tags made.
Maribeth is the one to talk to about bees.
I think I'm going to end up getting in trouble at work for being on this site too much...lol. We are new to chickens and ducks but it is so much fun!
I hear you on that one! hehehe!
its a good idea to add vitamin drops to the silkies water, they have a tendancy to anemia, i use polyvisol baby vitamins(for human babies) without iron, its a liquid-
well, my clothing choices changes...LOL! And the birds i was going to bring i won't- don't want them chilled- but on the lighter side, i am thinking of donating this knitting needle case to the raffle, if anyone shows interest- it is a chicken pattern-

My daughter knits and would like something like that. I would like to look at it if for not other reason then to know

Do I need an invitation? I have Carriers Coops Hutches etc for sale trade etc. Poco Pollo is a friend and has seen my stuff.
Nope! Just come as you are!
Where is Poops at this year? I am currently looking for a muscovy drake, chocolate, or blue.
Newcastle at the place they have the auction.
I'm not sure where to post this, but you guys are amazing with replies! I got my 7 silkies today, I'm getting 8 Cochins next Wednesday and 15 barred rocks are being shipped May 22nd. What should I do about integration? Since all my babies have made it through this yucky day, I'm on to my next fear!
They should be okay, the silkies and cochin will have time to get some size on them before you get the barred rocks get there.
Going to try to make it Sat. Is POOPS going to be at the sale barn? If nothing major happens to the trucks or equipment I should be in the clear.
Hope you can make it. Miss you both!
BScott you will get a few different opinions on integration. My biggest concern would be the need to quarentine them. If they came from the same source I would prob toss them in the same brooder & see what happens. My theory is that the silkies will have gotten older & the chicks will be equal in size.

Those worried about keeping chicks warm at poops, I use hand warmers in boxes. There are some outlets, but I am guessing you will need at least 100+ ft of ext cord from outlet to where you will be set up. We don't want a repeat of Fletcher poops, where chicks were not surviving through the day.
I will try to remember to bring some handwarmers and a few lamps.
It`s all good here and yourself? Are you hatching any Brazilians this year?

Good Friday Morning to all!

It`s a nipplely 37°F here this morning! I can`t remember every being this cold this late in the season! We were planning on going to the Bixby BBQ and Blues Festival tomorrow but with a 40% chance of rain and a high of 56°F....I think we will pass on that!

I hope y`all have a great weekend!

Love that picture!!! I wish one of my roosters would do this for me.
Will anyone have any rare colored guineas at Poops ? I'm looking for Blondes, Cinnamon, sky blues, chocolates
If not at POOPS then maybe at the auction.
Do I need an invitation? I have Carriers Coops Hutches etc for sale trade etc. Poco Pollo is a friend and has seen my stuff.
Good to hear this , I need a another coop !

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