***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Had a nice visit with SplitSocket222 and his wife today. They came to pick up a Delaware Bantam cockerel...it is so nice talking chicken with someone more experienced. I always learn so much.
We had three calves born today and there are chicks hatching in the incubator...two out, two pipped and 8 more to go.

Skunks, possums and owls are on the hit list here. The coyotes are hanging out around the calving pasture trying to do cleanup duty...so now the loaded gun goes with each time we visit the pasture. There were three earlier this evening that were howling from the neighbors pasture and drew the cows with no calves in to stand sentry. The cows with calves moved in the opposite direction.

Thanks for the Delaware Ckl. Although I'm in the process of 'thinning the herd' .. I needed him to go with my hens. Sure did enjoy our visit and if you ever find yourself around my neck of the woods give me a holler and I'll give you the 75 cent tour. Thanks , Richard

Here is my white spotted chick. So cute! The second pic is the more accurate color wise. I don't think that there are more spots than there were, but I could be wrong. Will be interesting to see over the next week or so if more come in. Hey! Its Friday!
@NanaKat glad to hear that your cows waited until yesterday. It was nice. I still have one ready to go at any moment. Hopefully today and not tomorrow.
As much as a pain as it is being for you - I am hoping that they are not selling a single chick on the premise that they should have company. That being said - after you told them what you were doing with it - the manager should have granted an exception.

@Kassaundra , how is your knee doing? Did you have any luck with that walking garlic you planted a few years back?

@Poco Pollo , for a spraddle legged chick - how long did you leave it in the cup- and how often a day? My chick gets itself out pretty quickly, but I could make it stay if that is what is needed. I am wondering if I want to go this way or try bandaids first.

It is a pretty little chick... with our barred rock roosters, we rarely get white chicks but this one is. I believe that it is from a red sex link egg. Possible sires are a blrw, blue silkie, or.... well, that's about it. It is yellow with three tiny black spots - if I thought it possible to be a paint silkie mix, that is what I would call it! But no signs of silkie in there...and my paint roo was contained the whole time. Anyway, a bit splayed but otherwise healthy looking!

@hotcurltr how is your leg doing?

Hope y'all have a great day today!

My knee is doing better, it still is tender when a moderate amount of pressure is applied to the main spot. The garlic is still alive, but it never did make the "walking heads" maybe this year.
Bardies, your little spotted chick certainly looks like a paint. Their spots appear at hatch. They won't get more spots except in their wing and tail feathers, which aren't in at hatch. However, they may have tiny, tiny bits of black that you overlook at hatch--the spots all get larger as they grow. Splashes are solid colored at hatch and develop the darker splashes as they grow--more and more with time. I believe you said you had paint silkies(?) that could have gotten into the mix. I'm guessint that's what happened.
 , how is your knee doing?  Did you have any luck with that walking garlic you planted a few years back?

Hope y'all have a great day today!

My knee is doing better, it still is tender when a moderate amount of pressure is applied to the main spot.  The garlic is still alive, but it never did make the "walking heads" maybe this year.

So glad to hear that you are on the mend! I was wondering how you were doing.

I'm trying to find Buckguy20s (Monty) phone #. Can anyone help me out? PM it to me if you would. Thanks :)

Hey Matt! Were your ears burning yesterday? I asked Splitsocket222 how you were doing when he was here...haven't seen you around lately...

So many of the old-timers haven't been around...sure miss them.
Picture overload time! Sorry in advance if you have a slow connection!!

Isbar chicks, black, splash, blue

This is the gold-laced brahma boy. On thinking more he is probably 5 months old, He was a warmer chick from PapaBrooder I think I got that order in October.

A very pretty blue double-laced barnevelder getting ready to move to the adult pen.

More of the brahma boy

blue and splash double laced barnevelder pullets. I ordered 15 chicks from PapaBrooder and lost a few at about 3 months old to respiratory gunk during the cold, I've ended up with almost all pullets of the 6-7 I have left.

Spitzhaben cockerel, this is from the eggs a very nice breeder gave me at the Shawnee show. I am 99% sure I got two cockerels and a pullet from the 3 eggs.

Cream Legbar cockerel I am keeping for myself.

THIS is Monstro and his girls. You can not believe the size this guy has without seeing him in person. SOLID orpington all the way!

This is Goliath and one of his girls, they are Croad Langshans. Again the pictures do him no justice. He stands as high as my 6yo daughter's waist. The birds in the pen behind him are full grown large fowl Ameraucanas. I'm hoping he will fill in as he grows he is just a teenager so rather gangly.

This is the Cream Brabanter rooster from the pair I got at auction. The hen is in a different pen. I'm pretty sure she's not laying yet which is odd because there was an egg in the cage at the auction. I'm guessing the seller put in an egg from another hen to show egg color and/or deceive on the age of the pullet. But comb and wattles say "not laying" and pelvis width says "not laying." At least that mean's she's young and not old and spent!

This is Domino and his two girls. Exchequer Leghorn.

And Merlin. :) He is such a handsome boy.

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