***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Looks like a hen to me.
LOL Yes Guy there was one, he got a $10 bid and POed him, said he wouldn't take less than $40 for him, everyone laughed!!! The sold chicks and baby guineas for 3-6 dollars, sold quail size chicks for 85 cents to 1 dollar each, some baby muskovies brought up to $6, call babies $6, did not see the adult ducks and geese and coternix quail sell, game pullets brought $3.50 to $6, roosters were anywhere from 50 cents to $3, a cage brought $11, Tomatoes in soda flats brought from $6 to $24!!!!! medium watermelons brought $5 to $11, sorry didn't see the rest, they had, cukes, peppers, okra, butternut squash, yellow squash, zukes, and some eggs!!! Lots of rabbits from babies to fryers to breeders, several kinds, had 6 Lion heads!!! One hen and chicks brought $24 It wasn't a bad sale, there was a lot to choose from, definitely a buyers market today!!! Lynn
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Thanks for the offer. I'll candle again before lockdown. I think I may order one depending on the cost.
Most of the eggs I had to pull were cochin and Aussie/Cochin cross. Looks like I need to do some feather plucking to improve the fertility.

CJarvis...Love the pictures. Is the first pair the Opal? The Birchens are looking NICE!
They are Opal, the cockrell will show all over the country this year starting in Alabama, then making the rounds
Nana, my husband got me a Redline by Nebo flashlight, it says it's got 220 lumens at 150 yrds. I know I can see veining after 2 days of incubation in 75% of the eggs I candle. By Day 4 I can tell 100% which ones are growing and which aren't. Although I usually wait til Day 7 to toss. This thing is *bright. It was about $25. I thought of getting one of the Brinsea candlers but they were around $70.
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I have a silly question, I know that is so out of charecter for me LOL. Anyway I have several pullets starting to lay. They are free range. How do I get them to start laying in the henhouse in the nests so everyday isnt like easter.
Guy if they come in the hen house at night, then lock them in and don't turn them out until around noon, until they start figuring out where the nest are, and of course put some golf balls or fake eggs in the nest as training props!!! That's what I would do!!! Lynn
Quote: Sounds wonderful....he is gorgeous!

Nana, my husband got me a Redline by Nebo flashlight, it says it's got 220 lumens at 150 yrds. I know I can see veining after 2 days of incubation in 75% of the eggs I candle. By Day 4 I can tell 100% which ones are growing and which aren't. Although I usually wait til Day 7 to toss. This thing is *bright. It was about $25. I thought of getting one of the Brinsea candlers but they were around $70.
Thanks Mitzi...I'll look it up.
I have a silly question, I know that is so out of charecter for me LOL. Anyway I have several pullets starting to lay. They are free range. How do I get them to start laying in the henhouse in the nests so everyday isnt like easter.

Guy if they come in the hen house at night, then lock them in and don't turn them out until around noon, until they start figuring out where the nest are, and of course put some golf balls or fake eggs in the nest as training props!!! That's what I would do!!! Lynn
Guy, Even with a swamp cooler in the hen house, a few of my girls have decided that the 10 hole nest box is still too warm for laying and they have started laying eggs on the floor under the wall mount.
Lynn, you have a lot of wise advice from experience.

Found a CW hen down in the coop this evening. She had a full crop, but was dehydrated. She was alert and talking. Wet down her under wings and hand fed her some water. Then set her on a table with cold water...she went to drinking and drinking. I was able to gently massage her crop and put her in a wall cage in the hen house with more cold water and feed. Will check on her again tonight and then in the morning. She was lean so the heat has been bothering her.
Just gave another one of my hens her own nest of guinea eggs due to hatch in a couple days. I didn't have a single hen set until we were hitting the hundreds & now I had 3!!!

We had to put a male guinea in a cage by himself. He got the crap beat out of him by my alpha male. Pretty sure I have a guinea hen sitting on eggs in the woods. In the AM we may look for her, then I can sneak her some eggs that are about to hatch too.

I think this year seems to be a good tomato yr for everyone. We picked 30lbs this wkend not counting the culls that went to the chickens. Made some salsa tonight. May do more tomorrow if I get time. The salsa disappears as fast as I make it.
Still haven't pickled my guinea eggs yet. After I unplugged the barn fridge I am short on cold space. Maybe next wk I will get a chance.
Y'all be careful in the heat. DH just picked up this set of trainees on wenesday & has already had 6 fall out in the heat & they are not even really training hard yet.
We zip tie the shade cloth to the fencing and when it is over an area that doesn't have a solid base (like over an open top of a pen) we take cord and zig-sag it across the top of the shade cloth, so it doesn't catch the wind and become a parachute.

On another note - we were heading to OKC this evening from Texas, along I44, when Jaxon called to see where we were. Hubby told him we were close to where where Jaxon used to go to the (Fletcher) chicken auction with me. Jaxon got it in his mind that we were close to Newcastle instead, because he called about 30 minutes later to see if we were home yet. Some families explain things in distance or time, we explain them in relation to chicken auction locations
I don't have much trouble with shade cloth, but tarp is terrible in the wind. The shade cloth has those little holes for the wind to go through.

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