***OKIES in the BYC III ***

There has been some discussion on one of my homesteading forums about the heat and the use of cooking with solar ovens and crockpots while it is so hot!!! Here is a site that was recommended for crockpot cooking, any of these recipes could be cooked in a solar oven the same way also!


I thought maybe some on here would appreciate the time out of the kitchen, setting on the porch watchin the chickens!!! Lynn
I can't wait until it cools off a bit.
This heat is halting all building progress. I considered setting up lights to work at night but haven't done it yet.

I posted a question on the Orpington page. Was wondering why some hens have absolutely no comb or wattles at all and others have them. It makes it very difficult to distinguish them from the roos until they are grown and either crowing or laying.
I hope this is an okay place to ask this. I'm in Piedmont (NW side of OKC). I have been slowly getting my coop and run ready for a few birds and hopefully within the next couple of weeks it will all be ready for them to move in. Now I'm trying to decide what to get and where to get them. My coop is 4 X 8 and raised off the ground and leads to a 20 X 30 foot run that will be covered with aviary netting. I would like to get 4-6 birds mainly for eggs. Not too interested in meat birds right now.

I have considered buff orpingtons and a couple of easter eggers. I've also had a family member ask if we can get "black and white speckled ones". I'm trying to get my own two kids (6 and 9) and my nephews (7 and 10) interested in the whole process so if I can get some birds they will enjoy that will help.

Does anyone know where in the metro area I can get birds when I'm ready? I have talked to a couple of people who were wanting to get rid of extra birds but it seems as though they are mainly wanting me to buy their old birds that aren't producing anymore or roosters. My wife is VERY opposed to the whole idea so I'm going to avoid roosters for now.

Anyway, any advice or suggestions would be very appreciated.


[email protected]
Fist of all
from Henryetta and
and the Okie thread. When you say "metro area" are you talking about OKC or Tulsa?

Sorry read your post w/ tired eyes and didn't catch the location
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I gave them all IQ tests before I picked yours. They were top so figured I would send them. I like watching stupid chickens cause they do the funniest things LOL
Todays garden goodies, tomatoes are doing great, still getting grean beans, and banana peppers like crazy, Okra is just starting to make decently, squash is slowing down thanks to all the squash bugs

Beets, looks like another batch of beet piclkes, after these all soak and have their water changed out 4 or 5 times

Almost standing on my head for a couple of hours early this morning picking the garden, will equal some sore places later on I am sure !
We keep our eyes open for old truck tarps at swaps and auctions. Beats most sold at stores by far.

The tarps get replaced when they have tears or holes in them and the last one we bought was about 60'x20' and we gave around 100 dollars for it. It was used by a steel hauler so there was numerous small holes in it from rubbing on the corners of the steel. Doubled up it is pretty watertight too.

The secret to keeping a tarp in good shape is to not let it flap in the breeze and to keep ice off of it in the winter.

Tarps that rock haulers use is a lot like shade cloth with the open spots and we snag every one of those we can.

At Govliquidation we often buy the tent half shelters to use them as shade and cover for pens, they can often be had for as little as .50 cents apiece and will last about 3-5 years in the open all of the time depending on weather. There are also at least two behind the seat of everything we drive just in case we need to lay them out to make repairs on the road. The big tents are also usually up for grabs most of the time without the poles and tarps could easily be made out of them.
Have you tried the real strechy bungee cords with the tarps, the wind does not seem to tear them up as bad with the bugee cord, guees due to it being more flexable.
Exciting afternoon in my neighborhood, two at large pit mix dogs trying to breech my neighbors grandkids rabbit cage, we tried to shoo them away almost got bit, PD came and got animal control out off duty and are removing them now. Really didn't want his gkids coming home to mutilated pet bunnies, and even more didn't want them to discover what was in my back yard!

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