***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Thats kinda how mine are, just there, not doing much. Everything else I have is loaded so figured I would ask how yours did to see if it was my matoer farming ablitys that was lacking.
Morning all, love all the pics of produce and chickens, Coral congrat on the Bday party, 105 is a great accompishment , Joe love the new birds and the colors of them!!! We have had dog troubles here, had them get ahold of one of the goats and chew up the ears, not bad but bad enough! Egg production is slowing down here too. Take care in the heat!!! have a great day all, Lynn

PS here is a PDF book you can download for Herbal Remedies if anyone is interested!

Cowboy -- did those yellow pear shaped ones come from any of my plants? I have some of those growing & can't remember what they are. I need to dig through my packages of seeds I guess. The amish paste has rave reviews, maybe it just got too hot to fast for it? I always read lots of reviews beore I pick my seed. if they are still alive, perhaps we will see fall tomatoes from it?
I made note of the marglobe & added it to my try list. Customers like uniform tomato sizes. I personally like rutgers because it gives off cherry size tomatoes & a reg size off the same plant. I took suckers of my tomatoes today & have them soaking in mason jars. In 2 wks they will have enough roots to be put back in the ground for fall tomatoes. I use to root my suckers & give them to friends, but now that we are on the farm I can plant all the tomatoes I want!
My dogs are all grounded, I am not sure what happened, I was in the garden & see 4 dogs running behind one chicken. Bad Bad dogs! 2 are in the kennel & 1 inside the house & another on the chain. They usually don't chase the birds, but this paticular bird is one who heads straight up to the house everyday. Perhaps they just wanted her back at the barn.

Forgot to mention, my swolen eye pullet is still the same. Been weeks & no change at all. She is fine & doesn't seem to notice, but it sure look gross!

Joe should be banned from posting pics, it isn't fair that he has all those pretty birds running around his place!
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Joe beautiful birds as usual, I can't help but feel sorry for those heavily feathered guys and gals in this 100 degree weather.

jcat, what exactly are you picking off "suckers" and putting in water for fall tomatoes???? Is it those small "branches" that come up in the crooks of the plants?? Can you post a pic for us??? I'd like to start some for fall but am not clear on what to do. Your chicken w/ the swollen eye, can you see if it is the actually eyeball that is swollen?? We had a cat once that had it's actuall eyeball swell up all the time the vet said it was glaucoma, he was fine other then being ugly and blind out of the one side, that is actually what killed him, he got hit by a car, but he lived for years before that.

greybear, hope your goat is okay. Thanks for the recent links
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Kass, I am not a loyal follower of sucker prunning. So my method is random. I look for a nice healthy branch on my tomato plant that is thick free of blooms & fruit. I take scissors and cut the stem off where it conects to the main plant. I remove the leaves closest to the base of the plant. Then the stem goes into a vase (or jar) of water. I change the water daily (if I think about it). The stem off the "old" tomato plant will root VERY quickly. Within 2 -3 wks I put the new plant back in the ground. I plan on doing some others in the next few days. I will do my best to document the process for you.

I know many believe in trimming almost any suckers off of their plants. I usually let them stay, but for the purpose of growing new plants I don't feel bad cutting off a stem. Just don't trim any skinny stems, since you want the base of your plant to be strong.
Joe great looking birds. Not being wise, just curious. Do the UK have better birds than US or just more colors?
they have a lot more colors of orpingtons in the UK the UK birds are also more rounded bobyed much loser feathered "this make them extermly fluffy " the BEST ORPINGTONS IN THE WORLD COME FROM THE UK AND EUROPE world champion shows are held in germany

also if you go to feathersite and look at the pics of orpingtons almost all of the birds in the pics are UK or EUROPE after seeing the import orpingtons in person there is no dubt in my mind that the birds in the UK and EUROPE are far better than the us line birds

KASS- all my orpintons are in pens with missters and have beem doing well so far
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Cowboy -- did those yellow pear shaped ones come from any of my plants? I have some of those growing & can't remember what they are. I need to dig through my packages of seeds I guess. The amish paste has rave reviews, maybe it just got too hot to fast for it? I always read lots of reviews beore I pick my seed. if they are still alive, perhaps we will see fall tomatoes from it?
I made note of the marglobe & added it to my try list. Customers like uniform tomato sizes. I personally like rutgers because it gives off cherry size tomatoes & a reg size off the same plant. I took suckers of my tomatoes today & have them soaking in mason jars. In 2 wks they will have enough roots to be put back in the ground for fall tomatoes. I use to root my suckers & give them to friends, but now that we are on the farm I can plant all the tomatoes I want!
My dogs are all grounded, I am not sure what happened, I was in the garden & see 4 dogs running behind one chicken. Bad Bad dogs! 2 are in the kennel & 1 inside the house & another on the chain. They usually don't chase the birds, but this paticular bird is one who heads straight up to the house everyday. Perhaps they just wanted her back at the barn.

Forgot to mention, my swolen eye pullet is still the same. Been weeks & no change at all. She is fine & doesn't seem to notice, but it sure look gross!

Joe should be banned from posting pics, it isn't fair that he has all those pretty birds running around his place!
Awww lol!
Joe, I think you ended up with the Extreme Enabler's Award for the month of June
A lot of people got birds from you this month who are very pleased with them.
When I walk out into the adult Araucana trio's yard they actually come running to me. Such nosy darling little birds. My husband was in their yard cutting some tree limbs this weekend and he'd have to keep stopping until they wandered off because they kept running over to see what he was doing. He didn't want to scare them off so he'd just stop and wait for them to move :) The little black hen was playing in the sprinkler, she'd stand in the spray to get all wet, then shake off and run as fast as she could and go preen herself. Then she'd do it all over again lol

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