***OKIES in the BYC III ***

ok, silkie chicks are happily eating better feed, savachick in the waterr so hopefully that will clear things up-

loving this cooler weather, maybe get some outside work done now...:)

love the nest buckets!
Glad to hear that your silkies are doing better. You definitely must have caught it just in time.
Ksane, I'll do that when the get here. Don't want the kidlets dragging unwanted critters into the house.

Jcatblum, with this heat I figured I had to come up with some way to give the birds some relief. The camo netting was some that I had taken off of a playhouse and seems to give some good shade on that south end of the run. The lean-to thing was sort of just thrown together. The top is left over from a yard swing. The swing broke and was tossed years ago but the top was still in the barn for some reason. I pulled it out and made two triangular end frames and put a piece of pipe between them. It held up great in the heavy rain and wind we got earlier. The news said winds up to 60 mph. I don't think it got that high but probably gusted 40-45 and the lean-to stayed put.

I put zip ties all over the place today when I was finishing up that netting. Not every square but probably every 18" or so. I'll be buying some more zip ties when I'm by Harbor Freight the next time.

I went out to check on everything after the storms passed and was tickled that there wasn't even a drop of water in the nesting boxes or coop. With the vents on the ends of the coop I fully expected some water in there.

Yes, you have to teach the dog that the chickens are our family too, so we have to protect them. My GSD, will still try to play with them from time to time. when she was a small puppy, she accidentally killed one. She had tried to play with it, and didnt realize how fragile it was. Well, after the whole thing, she understood how upset it made me and you could tell that she felt HORRIBLY bad for what she did. You just have to teach them that the chickens are part of the family.
I have trouble with spelling - SHEPHERD
PrettyChicks-thanks :) My Cochins are my favorites.
SDSKnifeworks-zip ties are the greatest invention. Whether it's for dogs, cats, fish or chickens, they're a must!
Bill, I have some pics for you, buddy :) And anyone else is more than welcome to chime in. These are all pictures of the same Buff Orpington chick (I have 2), they're 9 1/2 wks old now and both look identical except this one is slightly bigger. I've thought it was a cockerel all along because he's always been so big but now I'm starting to hope against hope that maybe I have 2 girls, except the waddles throw me. Do Orp pullets have tiny waddles? Does this look male or female to you all? Nice big pictures. I'll go ask on the Orp board also.
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might have to find me a "man cave" chicken thread on here. Too much bling. lol please do not show my wife.
Jcat if I had known those were ziptie bags they were handing out at 50 cents apiece there wouldn't have been any for anyone else!

Going into week 6 without AC and it is getting OLD. Oh well, at least it is cool this week and the unit arrives Friday.
Okmulgee ER

My BIL went there tonight w/ htn, nose bleed and jaw discomfort w/ hx of MI x 2 one almost killing him literally, would have had he not been life flighted to tulsa for surgery, how do they treat him tonight, sitting in the waiting room w/o even an ekg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WEll we finally got some much needed rain last night. And it was below the triple digits today! That was really welcome!
Graybear had three hatch so far,hoping for more tonight . Two are white and one is brown chipmunk. .One white one has feathers on its legs. Figure its an iceland for sure.

Ms. Betsy here is a pic for you. Took this out my dining room window this morning. the top pic is when they first stepped out of the woods. I was elated to see the other twin step out!

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