***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Any idea if I can get a good deal on a wood shed in the Tulsa area? I need to built a coop but I want to start with a small shed.
Do they not carry them at Lowes, Home Depot or Sears? Not sure how good of a deal they'd be. I know the Lowes by my house had some wood sheds in the parking lot at some point, they may still.
Lol. Thanks. I'll remember that.
You guys don't live in your pajama's? My neighbors get to see me in mine plenty, I'm all about comfort! Funny story though!!
I sure do feel better after reading everyone elses adventures here. I realize I'm not the only one who lives an "interesting" life! I love hearing the stories.

Rose is acting like a completely different bird today. She has not be in the nest boxes but she is up and around the yard and pretty much bullying the two younger aussies. I'm hoping we are past the hump and she won't have any more problems.

LOL! Don't get us started on stories- we'll never quit!! but yes, you aren't alone in the adventure!! Betcha Rose is going to be head hen...

here is my lone survivor of the 'sickness', assuming cocci- he has no symptoms at all other than being lonely...

little one loves to snuggle into things, so now has a teddybear to sleep next to. Once he is a bit bigger i'll introduce him to my silkie girls from betsy, for now he is still in isolation till i know for sure he isn't sick
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Buster I think you will like the Anconas. Theyy are a really great breed. Although a Mediterrain breed they are usually on the more docile side. Your right you don't see many and I really don't understand why. Once people try them they usually like them. The ones I had several years ago came for Mc Murray and layed nice large size eggs.Usually non setters but great layers.
Got to go to the sale today. It was huge,I guess people were trying to find something to do in the rain. It did rain most of the day but the sale is inside so it went on. The only thing I brought home was a pair of half grown Pommeranian geese. They were in a deep box and no one realized what they were I guess because I got for $10 each. That breed is usually the highest selling breed of geese around here,with grown birds fetching $25-30 a head. I really like them,hope I can get them hand tamed.
Artsyrobin, thats a pretty cool looking little fluffball! Silky right? I think I'm learning. Saw a few of those at the swap meet this morning.

I think your right about "Rose" being the top hen. She is sort of starting to be a bully to my other two Aussie's. I had to separate them on the roost tonight. She had the two younger birds cowering and even ran one completely out of the coop. She pecked at me when I shooed her away from the one left on the coop. I think we got that worked out though.

DS had 4 of 10 in one pen go broody. I had him mark the eggs he left with them each day for like a week and then start taking and just feeding back any new ones in the boxes that had been set on. Not all of the remaining 6 laid in a day, so it didn't work out as too many. Guess that won't help any if yours are altogether.

Finally got the junk pile cleared out from the side of the building I told the kids they could have for their birds. Hopefully I'll get the pens and bulk of inside done before winter. Took forever and found all kinds of stuff. The first pen is 6 x 10 and the remainder currently at 20 x10 is going to be split into two 10 x 10's. There's a 6 x 12 done on the other side of the building, but that's it so far.

Fair season has started. We had a miserable first one. Crazyhorse's daughter from POOPs, she won Grand Champion. Then the show super came back about 15min later and said she was told the higher ups didn't want to allow any kids under 7 to win Grands or Reserves because it might upset the older kids, so she told crazyhorse and her daughter that she could keep the Rosette, but nothing else and she wasn't "really" the winner. When a group of us parents protested (according to the published rules she was 100% eligible to win), they took the Rosette back too.

Can't wait until the Inter-state fair. Anyone coming up?
So, I went to pick up my 40 layers this morning, and by the time we were done counting, it turns out to be 32. "Huh", he says. "Guess we lost more to predation than we thought". I had to laugh. When you have a couple dozen birds, you notice every single loss. When you have several hundred, it gets hard to keep count.

Anyway, two got away, so I took home 30, although I paid for 32 anyway. There were 24 RIR, 1 Easter Egger, and 5 Anconas.

Anconas. I don't remember seeing these anywhere, even at auctions, let alone owned any. Supposed to be good layers, second only to Leghorns. And they don't go broody, which is a big plus for me. I swear, this summer every single Marans has gone broody multiple times. That wouldn't be so bad, except they forget which eggs were theirs and they end up in another box, thus ruining multiple eggs.

He promised more for fall.
Single comb or rose comb Anconas?

These are Wyandotte. Columbian Wyandote roo over CW hens and a Blue Wyandotte hen.
I'm working on a Blue Columbian Wyandotte offspring. The blue hen throws blue and black. The two in the back are the Columbian.

I've had another chick hatch in the incubator again....another black one. Finished the goose pen today and Charlotte and Ninya cme up to discuss the completion
Good Sunday Morning! The coffee is on and starting to kick in. :) I already water what the grasshoppers have left me which is pretty much my melons.
A cool 67°F here this morning, it hit 103°F here yesterday but the temp did drop 13°s late in the afternoon, their only calling for 95°F today.....
Hope y`all have a great day!

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