***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Good after morning all, I got up late, wife was on computer, kids went to church, I took a nap after breakfast, woke up with a headache, now eating a bacon and tomato sandwich for lunch, I didn't go to Guy Rose Auction yesterday due to the BIL coming, Ksane we are going to separate Azule ( the Blue Americauna) and a couple of pullets for Heater to have of her own, Azule and some other comrades have decided that it is fun to fly over the fence when we let them out in the mornings! So we are separating some of them and probably going to trim wings on some and see if that helps! No rain for us yesterday even though it did thunder a lot. Everyone have a great day!!! Lynn
He's had his wings clipped before :) You'll probably be able to tell when you go to do it. Those Ameraucanas can sure fly at an early age. They were like 2 wks old and flying to the top of their 6' run.
Meant to add-I'm really glad Heather gets a group of her own :) That'll be great for her.
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Hey OkRacefan-the BR (although not marked well) hen that was in with the Brown Red boy before you got him laid her 1st egg the day after you took him. I popped it into the incubator 4 days ago and just candled it and it's growing! So for the 1st time ever I'm actually hoping for a boy this time since it'd be a BR boy. Although a girl would always be nice, too.
That's a LOT of tomatoes. What is egg dip? My mom makes a dip she calls daffodil dip that has boiled eggs, cream cheese, mayo, and garlic in that's fabulous. Is yours similar?
I copied Christina's dip and what is your Mom's recipe too? Both sound really good! - cream chese, garlic - yum!
Thank you for the recipe. I am going to make it to use up some of the extra eggs around here.

Yes, the second litter of guinea pigs had me looking up gestation time when they arrived. I had foolishly thought that we were "home free" after the first one kindled. Now, I need to learn how determine the gender of all the little guinea pigs and separate the ones that would wear blue ribbon from the ones that would wear pink ribbons, before we have an explosion of guinea pigs.
You can always make guinea pig dip. Just substitute cooked
ground guinea pig for the eggs.
Thank you for the recipe. I am going to make it to use up some of the extra eggs around here.

Yes, the second litter of guinea pigs had me looking up gestation time when they arrived. I had foolishly thought that we were "home free" after the first one kindled. Now, I need to learn how determine the gender of all the little guinea pigs and separate the ones that would wear blue ribbon from the ones that would wear pink ribbons, before we have an explosion of guinea pigs.
Both of Jaxon's guinea pigs were bred before he got them?
I have got to tell myself, "No, no, no, Guinea pigs are a gateway drug to rabbits!"

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