***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Anyone heard from Guy, (Old Cowboy) since his surgery? I may have missed any updates since I got behind on reading posts and haven't had a chance to go back and catch up.
Kass your flock looks great.

Sadly with the heat our NNs decided to throw off the rest of their clothes and are running around virtually naked. Nothing in this world can compare with a NN in full molt! And that is about the only thing that will stop them from laying too.
hehe...should see my broody licorice, looks like we had a bird explode, she is a black cochin and uts crazy!
Quote: so do they have a website?
I noticed that Lowes now has a mister fan. They are not cheap but range from 60.00 - 150.00

The most expensive one looks like a regular fan that you plug in and I think there is a reservoir for the water. Neat idea. Maybe they will eventually come down on the prices.
My ideal chicks are here!!!! Frizzles, silkies, cochin, and three new ducks! On my iPhone so can to post picks right now but I am solo excited!!!

Eggs in the bator should start hatching a week from Sunday - Maran, cornix quail, button quail, and serama! So far my fix is working and it is holding the temp just perfect- so I am just tickled pink today!!!!!!
My ideal chicks are here!!!! Frizzles, silkies, cochin, and three new ducks! On my iPhone so can to post picks right now but I am solo excited!!!
Eggs in the bator should start hatching a week from Sunday - Maran, cornix quail, button quail, and serama! So far my fix is working and it is holding the temp just perfect- so I am just tickled pink today!!!!!!
We are due for a hatch in two Sundays, as well! 10 Ameraucana and 11 CREME LEGBARS! Good luck with your hatch!
I noticed that Lowes now has a mister fan. They are not cheap but range from 60.00 - 150.00

The most expensive one looks like a regular fan that you plug in and I think there is a reservoir for the water. Neat idea. Maybe they will eventually come down on the prices.

With a pressure reducer or low pressure pump and some drip irrigation tubing you can make your own. We used PVC and glued a hose connector on one end, capped the other and then added 4 misters in about a 2 foot section. Zip-tied it to a fan, connected the hose and that was all there was to it.

If I did it again I would reduce the pressure in the line and add a filter.
We are due for a hatch in two Sundays, as well!  10 Ameraucana and 11 CREME LEGBARS!  Good luck with your hatch!

Awesome! I cannot wait to see the little fuzzy butts! Amazing in the life with chickens this last week lost some to a snake and was such a downer and now the highs and new hopes for the future with little fuzzy butts.
My ideal chicks are here!!!! Frizzles, silkies, cochin, and three new ducks! On my iPhone so can to post picks right now but I am solo excited!!!
Eggs in the bator should start hatching a week from Sunday - Maran, cornix quail, button quail, and serama! So far my fix is working and it is holding the temp just perfect- so I am just tickled pink today!!!!!!
I got my 8 Russian Orloff pullets today from Ideal, too. The PO called at 6 AM and I ran and got them, they're adorable, I love their beards :) They look so big compared to the last few batches of Bantam Ameraucana chicks I've hatched. They all look great and are eating and drinking. I'm really glad I got them, now I have 14 Orloff girls total. Cool!

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