***OKIES in the BYC III ***

As soon as I pick my jaw up off the floor and go find my sweatshirt and long pants I'll be back to read posts

I don't want to beat any records this year with the heat and a cool down, however brief, is welcome. It is up to 90 degrees now but since it was 100 degrees this time on Friday, I am not complaining.
was a pretty morning could stand to have a lil coffee outside even. knocked down the high spots of grass in the yard. Now am in process of finishing up the rabbit hutch. Got hot after i started to work on it. Having me a quick cool down then am off to finish it up. The way i have done this looks like a cool brooder idea. May be my next project we shall see. The best part is its all built out of scrap lumber
. Hope all is having a wonderful sunday. As for my chick count with this heat i have three light brahmas and looks like five cochins and one blue red laced wyndott. All are doing well at this point lets hope i can keep it that way. Mj we have named all the bantam cochins we got from you. we have sophia bella rosa, angle, velvet, and waffles. They love being in the castle pen with the cochin roos. Pepper my bared cochin has taken them as part of his flock and dose one heck of a roo dance. I will keep you posted as to further happenings in the coop.
I'm cleaning out the root cellar and garage. Had to evict this happy little family.

This is a really, really large wolf spider. You can see not only is she carrying her egg sac, but they are currently in the process of hatching. See all the little teeny spiders on the ground by her? There was a male, this female and another female with an egg sac, but by the time I got all three of them carried out and transferred to a safer location I was sick of running back into the house for the camera. Edit: Okay, to be perfectly honest, my husband was sick of running back into the house to get the camera for me.
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Glad to hear that many survived the fires last night. Anybody close to the one near Sparks?

Sorry about your duck Christie. My little geese love for me to spray them when I wet down the runs and pens. They stand with their necks stretched up and wings slightly open. Then I cool down their pool water and they hop in.

Kimbroe..Les is right about cuttting out the smaller trees and the cedars. Those cedars are like oil candles when a fire hits and they rob the water from the hardwood trees. There should be some growback on the grass this fall and your Dexter cow would eat hay and cubes until the grass appears.

Betsy. so dglad you were safe too and have friends willing to evacuate your lovely birds.

Going out to wet down the pens now. BBL

I don't think I've ever even seen an American Game in person although Silver Duckwing in all the breeds is one of my favorite colors for males and females both. That little guy in your avatar looks like he's quite quite the personality

My Bantam breeds are fast becoming every bit as much my favorites as my LF's.
Robin and others who need light bulbs for your brooder or egg candler, Oxine, or thermostat wafers, today is the last day for free shipping from EggCartons.com, I ordered light bulbs for my cool light egg candler last week and plan to order some quail waters this afternoon. They add new products all the time, so I try to check their online catalog first.

Put "SHIPPER" in the promo code when checking out for free shipping
Thanks Maribeth for sharing this info with us! You are always so kind to try and help others. I didn't order anything this time but will be looking here when I need something. I liked the waterers the have but I want to check them out more before ordering. So maybe next time. Thanks again!
Buster did you head to the ER? Hope you are doing ok. Had a friend that let a recluse bite go & she was down a couple of wks

DD said it is time to seperate those game chicks she bought this spring. I honestly haven't been in the grow out pen in a wk or so, but she says they are going at it pretty good now. Guess its time I do some creative chicken arranging. I asked if she just thought we should get rid of them, but she declined the thought.

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