***OKIES in the BYC III ***

My neighbor did offer to pay to replace them but I declined his offer. If anyone has any pullets that are tame and old enough to determine the sex that they are willing to sell please PM me. I'd like to have a frizzle, a barred rock, a silver laced polish and a jersey giant. I'm sure there are others I'd like to have, I just don't know much about the different breeds so I have to look up pictures on google once someone mentions them. I hear cochins are really nice and tame. Getting out to auctions is hard because my husband works until after 6 and works every Saturday. I'll go alone this weekend if I have to if I can find an auction not too far away.
I would take up the neighbors offer to replace them. If you are going to purchase new ones they should be educated on the cost. It will help them contain their dog better.
So sorry you lost them!
I was reading about you peep's going to dif sale's an thot's ..An we are verry Lucky to have a sale close by an a place to get together an talk bird's at 15percnt com.Ther is no money to be made i no that is a fact..The peep that put on the sale's like bird's an the auction just like we do..Iv seen lot's of sale's come an go . An with the low num, of bird's they have to sale some junk to pay the rent an help...Fletcher an Cement was 2 of the best sale's around at one time but in the last few yrs with feed price's going up an the econmy..They shut down folk's from TXS AR an Kan would come ...Ther was some real nice folk's from Kan's at Blanchard sat night they wer looking for st.cochin's i introduce thim to mj ,,,,SO IF any one need's any HELP at a sale with ther birds being sold or have any prob. with any one at the sale let me no ...I no every one an will get thing's taken care of for you..Guy Cook Oldcowboy an his wife brot bird's to the sale an had ben in the city all day after ther bird's sold they needed cash to get gas to get back home on Jerry Auction Lover from Blanchard sale had save a lot num for thim because they had to drive from so farway ..So i just gave Guy the cash so he could get on his long trip back,,,So wen i payd out they just took it off of wat i bot...Some time's they may not have the cash tel some folk's pay out..Sure mis Peach's get together's at hear auction every one would come early an bring some dish or desert an talk chicken's cook hamburgers an hotdog's an have FUN,,,

I have always supported and will continue to support all of the local poultry auctions I can. I agree all these people work hard for not very much money, especially Jerry. I remember when Peaches and Doc first started up there were people on here bashing their sale as they tried to work out the kinks, and I was one of the few to defend them. These things are extremely important to the local chicken community's economy. When we have equipment or birds we need or don't need, this is the easiest and for my mind cheapest way to hook up for trade. You can run things on CL, but then there is the hassle of meeting with several people and haggling to actually make the sale. Folks like you are able to extend the reach of the auctions' impact by buying at the auction where relatively few people attend and selling at markets where there are many.

I was only trying to make the point that it is the seller, not the auction or even the buyer, who has the most power. You can pull an item at any time, PO at any time, for whatever reason. Folks should exercise that power when needed. Better to do that than to go away angry or hurt.

It does sound like Bill was mishandled a bit. I don't know. I don't know who it was (although I know it wasn't Jerry) or what exactly happened or why. Maybe someone was in a bad mood, or hot, or whatever. It's got to be hard being up there for hours doing what is essentially an impromptu performance. No script, no teleprompter, just flying by the seat of your pants in front of all those people.

I will continue to use both auctions, both to buy and sell, and visit when I can. I encourage everyone else to do the same. Mike is right, we need them and we are lucky to have them.
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I'm looking for bantam Columbian Wyandottes. Does anyone have any around the Shawnee, Midwest City area? My wife lost hers and I want to find her another one. Thank you very much. I can't get on here much, so if u can help me out, please send me a PM.
Jen, I'm so very sorry. I know the heartbreak of cleaning up carcasses because of the nieghbors dogs. My little victims were my 5 pet sheep, I had bottlefed them as babies, they were 6 & 7 yrs old. The horror of it is overwhelming, I feel really bad for what your kids and you are going through right now. I still see the scene in my mind, it was a year ago. I've lost some birds just recently but I can't bring myself to talk about details until it's been a few months.
My chickens are babied and handled a lot, yet every single one of them seems to go through being scared of their own shadow right up until they start laying. Then for some reason they're the friendliest birds and all they want is to be held. Not sure why that is. So honestly, you might have really good luck just looking for some that are close to laying age.
Woo Hoo gotta brag about my successful shopping day. I went childrens clothes shopping and got 35 items. 21 blue jeans, 1 jean jacket (super cute), 1 pair of pants, 3 pairs of shoes and 9 shirts for 8 children and spent less then $85, full price was over $600.
Jen, so sorry about your chickens, and that the children had to see it
I have always supported and will continue to support all of the local poultry auctions I can. I agree all these people work hard for not very much money, especially Jerry. I remember when Peaches and Doc first started up there were people on here bashing their sale as they tried to work out the kinks, and I was one of the few to defend them. These things are extremely important to the local chicken community's economy. When we have equipment or birds we need or don't need, this is the easiest and for my mind cheapest way to hook up for trade. You can run things on CL, but then there is the hassle of meeting with several people and haggling to actually make the sale. Folks like you are able to extend the reach of the auctions' impact by buying at the auction where relatively few people attend and selling at markets where there are many.

I was only trying to make the point that it is the seller, not the auction or even the buyer, who has the most power. You can pull an item at any time, PO at any time, for whatever reason. Folks should exercise that power when needed. Better to do that than to go away angry or hurt.

It does sound like Bill was mishandled a bit. I don't know. I don't know who it was (although I know it wasn't Jerry) or what exactly happened or why. Maybe someone was in a bad mood, or hot, or whatever. It's got to be hard being up there for hours doing what is essentially an impromptu performance. No script, no teleprompter, just flying by the seat of your pants in front of all those people.

I will continue to use both auctions, both to buy and sell, and visit when I can. I encourage everyone else to do the same. Mike is right, we need them and we are lucky to have them.
What does PO mean in this context? The only definition I know doesn't fit!

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