***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Yes Michael.....We got some Regal Reds,,,,some Harvest Golds....Some Red laced choclate Turkeys..(Really Pretty)....Some Beltsville Whites....and some Midget Whites and a few Merriam Turkeys. Nutrena scares me because they say it takes about 80 pounds feed per Turkey to get them to eating size. That is scary when you have over 100 Turkleys and a couple hungred Belgian Quail....woops, I forgot Black Spanish Turkeys.......but believe it or not.......I like all the work and we certainly DONT have to buy fertilizer!!!!!!!!!!!...............Mike
WOW some of thim name's i never seen or herd of . Or only seen in a pic in book. I seen on hear wer Buster was having his feed mixsed at Carnagie an was useing a mix that Poly farm's fed ther bird's he said it cost about half of wat sack feed cost,,Hope to get to see your bird's some time..
Hello fellow Okies - I have a four week old golden polish chick - I think it is a rooster - with a fairly severe cross beak. He is the most outgoing chicken of our lot with great personality and lots of interest in people. We named him Wonky. We are not able to keep roosters and need to find a good home for Wonky. We would love to keep him because of his great personality but we do not want a rooster to disturb the neighbors. Currently he eats and drinks well on his own but some cross beak chickens require special attention to ensure they are getting enough food as they get older. We want to give Wonky to someone who has an interest in caring for his special condition. Please send me an email and let me know if you are interested in providing little Wonky with a good home. I am located in Noble Oklahoma.
HI Aunt Mildred ..I had a cross beak hen one time my daughter played with her an would get grasshoper's from the grill of the car for her to eat. I WISH you luck geting a new home for him i am sure some one would love to have him ...About this time last yr a lady on hear was looking for a roo to go with hear hen,,She said she had got her at Atwood's an she was a gold lace polish,
Cathie, did you watch it being done? How did they act at the time? I saw a youtube video of a guy doing it at a show. The little cockerel's eyes rolled back in his head like he was passed out or something. I've seen birds do that when they're in extreme pain and the video made me uncomfortable. I love how they look dubbed though.
I did, I am squimish even though I do blood work all day at work, lol. I didn't pass out which hubby really thought I would. Nathanael's first roo who is a little spitfire didn't even flinch. I think it probably depends on how it is done and if the person doing it has any experiance. Nathanael held the birds while Carl did the whole thing. The first little roo didn't fuss or complain but he didn't pass out either. The second little roo made a little squak at the first but he isn't used to being handled and so was more ticked off that we were messing with him. Both birds afterwards went right back to crowing and eating grass out of Carl's yard. The first little roo even posed for some pictures for Carl, lol. I was really worried about having it done at first because of the videos I had seen and the stories I had read but really this was very low key and had the birds fussed and acted in pain I would have halted the whole process and told Nathanael he just wouldn't be able to show the birds and not get them dubbed.
Sold two more little pullets from the "sell pen" I am gradually getting the numbers down in that pen. The lady that got them was more than happy to get a blue marans pullet. She had not seen a blue bird before. I love that part of selling birds.

The birds sure did love the cooler temps last night. Here is a picture of one of the new yards, the birds sure do like having the extra room.

Morning all, we got about an hour of slow rain and it cooled everything off, didn't run the AC last night, was nice to sleep with the windows open, hope this rain settles some of the pollen in the air. The chickens are loving this cooler weather too, I could hear some of the young roosters trying to crow last evening with the windows open, I love listening to them learning how to crow, at one point when younger I had over a hundred roosters in the back yard and i think I could tell you each one of them by the sound of their crowing, i love listening to them crow about as much as listening to a Redbone Hound baying!!!! Have a wonderful day all, I gotta go deliver some eggs! Lynn
Good Morning all...lots cooler this morning. We got a trace of rain last night....at least it measured in the rain guage.
Already baked a plum cobbler and fed the chickens.
Waiting on a call from a dozer man to come clean up one of the ponds and extend the dam so the pond will run into another pond insuring they will retain more water. With the drought, this is a good time to get these projects completed....before we get more rain

Why is it when one appliance goes on the fritz, another one bombs ou?
Had to buy a new dishwasher this week...delivery on Friday. It was 16 years old. But have an appliance repairman on the way to check my 23 year old double sided fridge...its dripping water out the front of the fridge side...may be a cracked reservoir. At least let's hope so...would rather not have to replace two appliances in one week....of course Sears is running a 20% off sale. The one I liked was on sale for $2100.
prices have really gone up.

Speaking of higher prices...our cattle cubes went up again to $372 a bulk ton from $332which was up from $271 on June 27 ..so that's $99 in 6 weeks. We have started taking hay bales to the outer properties...Prague and Paden...and will begin bringing those herds home. If we are going to have to feed them, we may as well do it here and save on fuel. Then we can begin the sorting process for market. Calving season was later this year because of the drought last year because cows were later coming back in heat and we took herds out with a bull later. So, we will have calves old enough to wean later than last year. If we get rain, we can take dry cows back to the outer pastures again to eat new grass.

I have to buy chicken feed this week too.... don't even want to think what it is going to cost. .
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Quote: I did, I am squimish even though I do blood work all day at work, lol. I didn't pass out which hubby really thought I would. Nathanael's first roo who is a little spitfire didn't even flinch. I think it probably depends on how it is done and if the person doing it has any experiance. Nathanael held the birds while Carl did the whole thing. The first little roo didn't fuss or complain but he didn't pass out either. The second little roo made a little squak at the first but he isn't used to being handled and so was more ticked off that we were messing with him. Both birds afterwards went right back to crowing and eating grass out of Carl's yard. The first little roo even posed for some pictures for Carl, lol. I was really worried about having it done at first because of the videos I had seen and the stories I had read but really this was very low key and had the birds fussed and acted in pain I would have halted the whole process and told Nathanael he just wouldn't be able to show the birds and not get them dubbed.
That makes me feel a whole lot better about the whole thing! Carl probably has done so many that he gets right down to business instead of hesitating and wasting time, I think that would stress the birds out more than anything else. Heck, little boys are circumcised without anesthesia so I don't really see the big deal with dubbing if done swiftly.
Sold two more little pullets from the "sell pen" I am gradually getting the numbers down in that pen. The lady that got them was more than happy to get a blue marans pullet. She had not seen a blue bird before. I love that part of selling birds.

The birds sure did love the cooler temps last night. Here is a picture of one of the new yards, the birds sure do like having the extra room.

Your fence turned out WAY straighter than ours lol i'm almost OCD when it comes to getting fence lines straight and some of mine are driving me nuts every time I look at them. Lynn, I love the sound of roosters, too. The sound of a Pyrenees barking their deep boofing bark is comforting in the same way. I'm sitting in the yard right now with my iPad under a huge tree with my Brahma girls, big Ameraucana girls and my LF Faverolles cockerel. These are the ones Carl hatched for me and they're so big. I can't believe they're 5 1/2 months old now! This Faverolles boy is one of the prettiest birds I've ever seen and the Dark Brahma girls are just beautiful with their lacing. I've learned a lot the past 14 months of serious chickenhood, most of it the hard way. But I've figured out my favorite breeds and those are the ones I'll stick with. Joe, you'll be happy to know that the Araucana tri I bought from you are my top all time favorite birds :) What a wonderful little group of birds.
Sold two more little pullets from the "sell pen" I am gradually getting the numbers down in that pen. The lady that got them was more than happy to get a blue marans pullet. She had not seen a blue bird before. I love that part of selling birds.

The birds sure did love the cooler temps last night. Here is a picture of one of the new yards, the birds sure do like having the extra room.

What are the red barrels used for..... ?

Quote: That makes me feel a whole lot better about the whole thing! Carl probably has done so many that he gets right down to business instead of hesitating and wasting time, I think that would stress the birds out more than anything else. Heck, little boys are circumcised without anesthesia so I don't really see the big deal with dubbing if done swiftly.

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