***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Ksane, cute chicks. I hope my boy "looks just like his daddy" too. Ari your boy's son.

Reagor, pretty silkie, is it a boy or girl??? I can't tell w/ silkies.

erin, I need to get caught up on my fall planting too, maybe this week.
WE GOT RAIN!!! 1/2 an inch!! I'll take it!

I went out to check on the girls after the rain and they look like drown rats! Guess they didn't get in fast enough.
Elwood, I don't know if I told you or not, but that feeder you gave me is working great, the birds like it more then their old feeder. We were putting food in both right after you gave it to me, but they would only eat out of the old feeder as a last resort.

Ksane, I would have gotten the smaller one, but I think I'm getting around 20ish eggs next week, so ......................... "the devil made me do it!!!!" lol
That's awesome, I need to finish the ones I have I cut some wood for the ends and have the wire to make the tops set aside I just need to make time to complete the project, I'm glad to know you're getting good use out of them.
We have gotten 3/4 inch of rain so far. Using my rainy day to deliver eggs & tomatoes in andarko. Now canning some peach pit jelly. Think I have more juice than I need. Might freeze the extra to marinade pork or shrimp in.

Brahma fans. Lawton Craigslist has a trio of light brahmas in Duncan. $30 for the young trio. They look pretty IMO.
That's awesome, I need to finish the ones I have I cut some wood for the ends and have the wire to make the tops set aside I just need to make time to complete the project, I'm glad to know you're getting good use out of them.
Your doing a lot more work then me!!!! lol lol lol I just put them out together one inside the other and put food in it. I love the holes in the ends it self drains the FF or the rain (well if we ever get rain again) and it is long enough everyone can "belly up" to the bar. lol
Sure wish the ones getting rain would send some this way, haven't had enough to settle the dust. I might have to start feeding hay to the goats, the vegetation is the goat pens just gets more brown each day. The chickens and goats are enjoying the cooler temps though, just need rain bad. I hope to see some of you at Newcastle tonight.
Glad to see you posted later tht you were getting rain. We have been putting hay out for the cattle for several weeks already. And we now have an inch in the rain guage!

Quote: This post is no good without pictures!!!

Because of the rain, I didn't make it to meet MichaelD with some roos. Will make it another day. I can fatten them up a little more.
And Okieridge..pm me if you want to wait till Sunday. We do Sat evening services so are available all day Sunday.
Well I made it to the swap meet this morning just as the big storm hit. I couldn't
even turn into the parking lot because so many people were trying to get out!
Man was it raining hard. I sure hope it keeps going for awhile.
I missed getting to visit with Michael D. and checking out his birds.
Quote: This post is no good without pictures!!!

Because of the rain, I didn't make it to meet MichaelD with some roos. Will make it another day. I can fatten them up a little more.
And Okieridge..pm me if you want to wait till Sunday. We do Sat evening services so are available all day Sunday.
I'll get mine finished in the next few days and post pic's of them, They are the metal upright supports of a swimming pool about 6" deep by the same across kind of in the shape of a V about 3 feet long I'm redoing the ends and adding a wire topper to keep them from scratching the feed out so should keep from wasting so much feed..

I've gotten soaked all the way through for the second time trying to get loaded for the sale I'm loving the rain and I sure ain't complaining but the timing could have been better LOL I've got about 9 or 10 ducks loaded and was gonna bring some chickens but I think I'll wait till it's not raining to try and catch them, Hope to see some BYC'ers at the sale this evening I'm going out to get soaked again
they need a good "singing in the rain" smiley LOL
Now that it's finally cooled off under 115 degrees I think we're going to run to Newcastle tonight. Sometimes I just wanna look at birds, ya know?
My incubator looks so sad all packed away. Maybe I'll have to buy it some eggs......

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