***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Joe - Take a look at these photos and let me know what you think regarding the scaleless gene. All four of the babies have a stripe of smooth skin from head to vent on both sides. You'll see this in the photo of the brownish chick held on its side. I've got two white and two brownish with red on their heads and shoulders. Lighter feathers keep showing up, so they may be some amazingly different color as adults. Have you butchered any of your black-skinned Naked Necks? I'm wondering if the meat is dark. I've heard that Silkie meat is as dark as their skin, and I'm curious to know if these black- (so black they look blue) skinned birds will be like Silkies in that regard.

I took leg pictures of one of the white NNs. The front of each leg has defined scales, but I can't see any scales in a long strip along the outside portion of each leg. BTW, a cricket got into the brooder when I was changing the water today, and by the time I was back with clean water, the cricket was disassembled. The NNs are HUNTERS!!!!

Hey, Poco,

I just pop in here from time to time and happened to see these little guys. THEY ARE CUTE!! I've missed all the background information so can you tell me about them and what they are,etc? Thanks.
Mike posted earlier this wk that there was a sale @ Newcastle tonight.
Y'all have fun, we are still talking about what our weekend plans are..... Still can't decide!
As it happened I went out and needed a net so did a quick fix on mine this is the old net that was torn out due to dry rot and age

The new laundry bag has a cloth band around the top so all I had to do was cut the brass grommet out and thread the ring through it there was a little slack but a lot easier than sewing it on like I had to do the first one

I couldn't find my nylon cord so I used electrical tape to hold the water hose in place till I get some or find where I hid it from myself,

Coral and Kass, I finished one of the feeders from those swimming pool pieces I had promised someone to post pic's so here are a few I took real quick today,

I really like the way they turned out so I have 8 more of these pieces to work with and it won't be long till there are at least one in each pen that needs them,,,
As it happened I went out and needed a net so did a quick fix on mine this is the old net that was torn out due to dry rot and age

The new laundry bag has a cloth band around the top so all I had to do was cut the brass grommet out and thread the ring through it there was a little slack but a lot easier than sewing it on like I had to do the first one

I couldn't find my nylon cord so I used electrical tape to hold the water hose in place till I get some or find where I hid it from myself,

Coral and Kass, I finished one of the feeders from those swimming pool pieces I had promised someone to post pic's so here are a few I took real quick today,

I really like the way they turned out so I have 8 more of these pieces to work with and it wonBoth projects are really nice! where did you find the laundry bag? I have been looking for one to 't be long till there are at least one in each pen that needs them,,,
Both projects turned out really nice! Where did you find the laundry bag. I have been looking for one or some fabric like it. i have a minnow net that is good for catching chicks but the net part wore out and i want to put an new one on it.
Both projects turned out really nice! Where did you find the laundry bag. I have been looking for one or some fabric like it. i have a minnow net that is good for catching chicks but the net part wore out and i want to put an new one on it.
I can't remember where the bag I got came from a friend gave it to me but I think walmart has some I would guess any place that has laundry products, maybe even Hobby Lobby or Home Depot, I looked on the bag I have and it doesn't have a tag to tell who made it,

ETA; I didn't think about it but I have a ton of fabric just like that and may be even stronger I can cut you off some of it so you can sew it to the size you need, What I have came from the protective nets around a couple of the trampolines I've collected so I have quite a bit of it really, Just let me know if you want it and I'll bring it to the next sale we're going to be at together..
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I just realized that the temp outside has gone up to 102 so I'm not going to put animals through that it's too much for them to be in a small cage for several hours so maybe I'll try to make the sale in a couple weeks, I was sure hoping we had seen the last of the really hot weather, I don't recall seeing any triple digits in the forecasts over the last several days I'm starting to think they do it the same way I do I look outside and if it's wet I know there's rain....
Went out to Mary's Swap meet for awhile this morning. Saw Michael Daugherty - but without his trailer.

I bought a fish net that went from $7 when the lady thought it was "brand new" to $1 when I pointed out that it was torn. Does anyone know where I can buy replacement nets to put onto a fish net handle? I use them for catching chickens and they tend to get torn.
Mike said I missed you a few minutes. I was womdering around trying to find a bargain.

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