***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Well, got all the birds, rabbits, canned goods, and garden stuff entered and to the fairgrounds and settled. Whew! What a production that always is. Unless a bunch of people came after us we won't have too much competition I don't think. I had the only male Silkie there (he's right next to two beautiful girls). My daughter's golden sebright was way better looking than the other ones, at least in my opinion. Of course the judges opinion is the only one that counts I guess. And we had the only cockerell cochin bantam. No one else had brought turkeys yet either but I know of someone else who said they would bring theirs so we'll see what we get. There were loads of ducks. Ours were so calm compared to everyone elses. I'm guessing we must spend more time with ours than other people do or ours are just too stupid to know to be scared.
Our turkeys, on the other hand, were petrified. I felt so bad leaving them but I know they'll settle down.

The only part I hate is that no one watches what kids do when they are going through the exhibits. There were three teenage boys there today that were whacking on cages and throwing stuff at the birds and yelling at them. They were being particularly bad with the silkies so I stayed with them until they left which curbed some of their enthusiasm. The superintendent was so busy checking in birds for the 4H and FFA kids he couldn't have found his shadow if he had wanted to. Sigh. They didn't even have the cages set up for the turkeys and ducks when we brought them. We ended up doing it ourselves but at least that way we know they are taken care of for the night. We always say it's going to be easier to take care of birds for the week with half our flock at the fair, but it actually ends up being more work because we worry about them all the time so we're up there two or three times a day at least checking on them as well as taking care of ours at home. Hmmm ...

Which fair?
Well, got all the birds, rabbits, canned goods, and garden stuff entered and to the fairgrounds and settled. Whew! What a production that always is. Unless a bunch of people came after us we won't have too much competition I don't think. I had the only male Silkie there (he's right next to two beautiful girls). My daughter's golden sebright was way better looking than the other ones, at least in my opinion. Of course the judges opinion is the only one that counts I guess. And we had the only cockerell cochin bantam. No one else had brought turkeys yet either but I know of someone else who said they would bring theirs so we'll see what we get. There were loads of ducks. Ours were so calm compared to everyone elses. I'm guessing we must spend more time with ours than other people do or ours are just too stupid to know to be scared.
Our turkeys, on the other hand, were petrified. I felt so bad leaving them but I know they'll settle down.

The only part I hate is that no one watches what kids do when they are going through the exhibits. There were three teenage boys there today that were whacking on cages and throwing stuff at the birds and yelling at them. They were being particularly bad with the silkies so I stayed with them until they left which curbed some of their enthusiasm. The superintendent was so busy checking in birds for the 4H and FFA kids he couldn't have found his shadow if he had wanted to. Sigh. They didn't even have the cages set up for the turkeys and ducks when we brought them. We ended up doing it ourselves but at least that way we know they are taken care of for the night. We always say it's going to be easier to take care of birds for the week with half our flock at the fair, but it actually ends up being more work because we worry about them all the time so we're up there two or three times a day at least checking on them as well as taking care of ours at home. Hmmm ...
What do you have to do to show chickens at the state fair? We were thinking about getting into showing next year.
This is the Kay county fair. We are usually one of the last county fairs in the state. Usually to enter anything into the state fairs you have to place first or second in your county fair. Different rules apply for different divisions though. (Hope I'm not competing against anyone else on here since I just very biasedly said my birds were the best ... :D)
Just a reminder that Newcastle sale is sat. At 5 pm. Start taking consignment at 12.also will have nice show birds at this auction .
Will also have show books for Newcastle show which this year will be held on Oct. 20.come see nice birds last year we had just over 1050 birds
Oh, okay, thnx for the fair info. We were thinking about trying to get into showing. My son just started 4-h this year and he wants to show something. We have, well chickens, so figured that's prolly what he'd start with.
Went out to put birds up for the night last night and kids come running outside screaming "there's a snake in the house!". Sooooo leave the birds (mind you it is 7:45 and getting dark fast) and go see what is going on. It was in Shanda's bathroom behind the vanity. There is a small space it could get under the vanity from the back side so had to wait for it to come back out. Then Kurt managed to drag it out of it's hiding spot. (of course hubby is gone again this week, why do we only find snakes when he is gone???) Managed to kill it but not sure what kind it is. Then when we went out to put birds up (of course had 4 hens on top of their coop instead of IN their coop so had to catch them). Kept hearing a squeeking sound but told Kurt we would investigate once we had birds caught and put in the coop. Went to find what it was and it was ANOTHER snake with a frog in it's mouth!!! Kurt killed it because it was in the chicken yard otherwise I would have told him to leave it. Then a terancula ran across his path on the way back in the house!!! We had a regular old wild kingdome at the Price family household last night. Now praying the rest of the week is quiet with hubby gone! LOL

Here was the invader to the house sorry not a great pic, Kurt had his big old size 13 feet on top of most of it, lol
Cathie, it looks like a Prairie King, normally they are not very aggressive and they are good rodent hunters but not something I would welcome into my house....I usually find 2 or 3 around here a year.

Happy Hump Day! I hope y`all have a great day!
Chicken Math

The farmer's son was returning from the market with the crate of chicken's his father had entrusted to him, when all of a sudden the box fell and broke open.

Chickens scurried off in different directions, but the determined boy walked all over the neighborhood scooping up the wayward birds and returning them to the repaired crate.

Hoping he had found them all, the boy reluctantly returned home, expecting the worst.

"Pa, the chickens got loose,"
the boy confessed sadly, "but I managed to find all twelve of them."

"Well, you did real good, son," the farmer beamed. "You started with seven."
Chicken Math

The farmer's son was returning from the market with the crate of chicken's his father had entrusted to him, when all of a sudden the box fell and broke open.

Chickens scurried off in different directions, but the determined boy walked all over the neighborhood scooping up the wayward birds and returning them to the repaired crate.

Hoping he had found them all, the boy reluctantly returned home, expecting the worst.

"Pa, the chickens got loose,"
the boy confessed sadly, "but I managed to find all twelve of them."

"Well, you did real good, son," the farmer beamed. "You started with seven."
So THAT is what happened around here! Now I can tell hubby how we went from 10 chickens to over 200 in less than a year! LOL

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