***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Mitzi you are looking at things all wrong, when momma hens hatch babies they do all the work! Think you could start a donate a flock ministry & provide local kids with a few birds. Bet you could even come up with a way to create a small coop out of those boxes your DH gets from work & pallets since you are crafty! You can get with your local 4H bet they could help you out finding children needing chicks. And at each chicken swap you would have chicks to donate to the raffle. Think of all the happy families you could build!!

I slept for 6 hours last night & was so proud, pain levels were low. But battled a fever & chills again past few days. I was determined I would sleep good tonight. Even took a sleeping pill for good measure. Slept a whole 30 minutes!!!!
The only problem with that idea is if they're here longer than 2 days I get really attached to them and worry someone's not going to take proper care of them lol I have visions of people getting chicks home and tossing them out in the back yard with their dogs. It's a curse, I tell ya.
I don't see how you get by on so little sleep. I usually only get 5 or 6 hrs of sleep a night and I'm wiped out all the time. I can't imagine thinking 6 hrs is a "good night's sleep".
I'm going to get some pumpkins later today and pass them out to the birds. They just loved them last year! Going to have to buy a whole lot more pumpkins this year though. Jeez, last year I had the layers yard with only about 15 birds in it and then my Silkie babies and Cochin babies. How do you know when you're in too deep? When you have to take the pick-up to buy pumpkins???
Hi all.
Been a long time since I have been able to sit down and check out BYC.
My DW had surgery so I have been a little extra busy. Sorry I haven't been around to visit.
I hope everyone is doing well.
I heard that Stimpy (
long time Okie BYCer) that I requeted prayer for,
is gonna go home from the hospital today.
Robin, I'm sitting here looking at my Backyard Poultry magazine with your picture in it! Congrats again. I look forward to getting my chicken magazines more than any others, and read them from cover to cover.
Mitzi don't worry I took a nice nap this afternoon-- but still not a normal nights sleep at all! Why don't you grow some pumpkins next yr. once you get them started they are pretty effortless, like watermelon. Our birds are still eating watermelons every wk & the goats too. If you grew a bunch of pumpkins or winter squash & had a place to store them they would last through winter.
Before the past few yrs of drought I would buy lots of large pumpkins @ 25c each after Halloween, but in recent yrs there haven't been any pumpkins left.

What ever is wrong with me has compromised my immune system & making me miserable!! Fought a fever since Sunday & today I have pink eye!!!! Can't see my dr until tomorrow for meds.
Christie...sounds like you need to get your flu shot this year!

We took our van to the farmers market in OKC one year to buy a few pumpkins right after Halloween. The guy told us we could load all we could into the van for $5. There were soooooo many varieties and we canned so much pumpkin and winter squash and fed the cows and the chickens pumpkin until they refused to eat them.
Hello everyone, Monty thanks for the update on Stimpy!!!! Tell him we miss him and to check in sometimes!!! Prayers for your wife and for you having to take care of everything! As for pumpkins, the last couple years O posted an add online and picked up leftover Jackolanterns for my pigs and chickens, they loved them! Some people called me after the first frost to pick up their seasonal decorations, gourds, pumpkins, hay, squash, corn stalks, my animals and compost pile loved it all!!! Bill I hope you get your varmit problem took care of, I need some advice on making a Incubator and or hatcher out of a small refrigerator/wine cooler I picked up the other day, it has a glass door!!! It is about the size of a dorm refrigerator! Have been enjoying this weather, my wife took a week vacation and we got the chicken house door and a gate and the barn roof all fixed already!!! Hope everyone if feeling better!!! Have a great day all!!! Lynn
Can't remember if I shared this, I have not tried it yet but am thinking about it due to all my pains that I deal with daily!!! Maybe some of you can use it also! Lynn

Dr. Duke’s CelebrADE Recipe

Instead of expensive anti-inflammatory drugs such as Celebrex, try this all-natural recipe full of helpful herbs:
Place four stalks of diced celery in a blender; cover with water. Add curry, ground black pepper and a littlecayenne pepper, grated ginger, turmeric, fresh basil and some grape leaves. Add a dash of dried basil, oregano, paprika, cumin, rosemary and sage. Blend well and drink to your health!
Use this drink with a lifestyle program that includes a balanced diet and exercise, which also will improve your chances against cancer, heart disease and diabetes (the three biggest killers in America), and will lessen the likelihood you’ll need pharmaceuticals.

Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/Natural-Health/2003-02-01/Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome-Natural-Remedies.aspx?page=4#ixzz24rOInI00
So I sent a note to school this morning, my first grader wanted to know if he could take our new baby chicks for show and tell. The teacher was estatic- she said next week is their "farm animal" unit and we can take chicks in on Tuesday afternoon (we have a batch of Ameraucanas due to hatch Monday)!!! So much fun having chickens around!


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