Okies in the BYC The Original

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I'm gonna have some hens too, as soon as my wife figures out which ones she wants to keep. I already know on the roos though. Good luck with yours.

osagebill-I get mine from a guy that trains horses and buys it by the truckload then resells on craigslist. $30/50# seems to be reasonable especially when my feed cost are so much higher than in OK. None of the feed/supply stores here sell it.
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I'm gonna have some hens too, as soon as my wife figures out which ones she wants to keep. I already know on the roos though. Good luck with yours.

Well, I finally decided I needed to be realistic about my set-up. As soon as I can get my barred rocks all together in one pen, I'll be pulling hens out of there as well.

Good luck to you too, Ke_Ben!
Na Kevin you didnt run me off, obligation did. HAD to go to town..........Lynn has to have what he has to have and since he is working again (today, tomorrow might be another story) i wont make him run to the store. Not to bad only 15 miles to town, there and back............now tomorrow I get to go sit with my daughter while her OH (other half) has an out patient back surgery thing, dont get me to lying.

Boy that sun is sure shinning here.
Al and Dachunds, those Amish auction pictures are great! Now I'm going to be looking for one of those that's in driving distance from here!

Monty, an Amish auction in Calera? Oklahoma? Now how could I miss that
Hum, I'm trying to remember hearing something about that... there is a huge farm that has a open house day with all kinds of activities and maybe they have an auction?... Esbenshade I think is the name...
Paging Monty Moses!!!! Send me your mailing address and I will send you a copy of the sacred disc!!

To everyone else it is my fault that the info hasnt been posted from poops I am not a technical type guy!! I just sent Al his copy here last week!!

TJS NA_NA- We got the pictures that you sent!! Thank You so much they turned out great!!!!

Well I hope everyone had a great day!!!
I'm gonna have some hens too, as soon as my wife figures out which ones she wants to keep. I already know on the roos though. Good luck with yours.

osagebill-I get mine from a guy that trains horses and buys it by the truckload then resells on craigslist. $30/50# seems to be reasonable especially when my feed cost are so much higher than in OK. None of the feed/supply stores here sell it.

Same here, $30 for a 50lb bag. I have found a source in GA I am going to recomend to the feed store which should bring the price down. I am assuming 50 lbs should last a while if kept dry.
Whats for dinner Okies, having chicken and dumplings here. Ideal has black broilers for 1.70each right now so the wife is tempted to have me order them to raise up and take to the processor here north of town in Gideon. Wonder if she knows 25 chickens wont fit in our frigerators freezer section. We need to get a nice sized deep freeze.
Funny story...

Went to Home Despot and returned a bunch of stuff I'd overbought on this past weekend. I knew I'd need hinges and stuff, but I forgot how many I'd need and it's easier to get it, not need it, and take it back than to get stalled out on a project at midnight because ya ran out of whatever (yes, this has happened to me before...
) so I get the $ back and put it in my pants pocket. Or so I thought.

Got to the feed store. Bought Wazine, Tylan 50, and Sulmet, a bag of pellet, and a flock block. Go to ring up... can't find the money. It's not there! Since the nice manager cut me a deal on the feed and flock block because of damage, I couldn't in good conscious leave the stuff at the counter. So I put it on my debit card, knowing that I was gonna be screwed.

Got home. Yelled at J about how stupid I must be to lose that much cash. Completely trashed my car. Went inside to use the bathroom... found the cash between my hip and my waistband.

And now, J is going to pick on me unmercifully for at least a week. But I didn't lose the money!
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