Okies in the BYC The Original

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Okay, I'm caught up - whew! At least two of you guys' posts made me laugh out loud - Grace telling Al he left his "Man card" at the last POOPS, and just now seeing MAllen talk about his "non-discriminating" rooster!

Love the photos of the little kids in costume!

Charley, have you posted pics of your White Laced Red Cornish before? What do those look like? I have one dark cornish hen - hatchery stock - she is the one most (non-chicken) people ask about, since her coloring is so pretty. I don't guess I've ever seen a white-laced red, though.

MAllen - what do the Lacey Roundheads look like? I like the pictures you post - you're a good photographer with some great subjects.

Teach! I like the plans you have for turning your garden into a chicken yard. It sounds great. I'm sorry you're having to start all over, but on the bright side - sometimes starting all over is a good thing. I'm sure it will be for you.

Also Teach, I just looked at my calendar, and for this coming Thursday Nov 5 I have a note to remind you to put your incubating quail eggs in the hatcher. I think Poultryand bees has you on her reminders calendar, too.
LOL Mallen,

I have a BR roo that he does not care what it is.....Guinea, Turkey(when they were younger) he goes for them. I dont think the other roosters let him have the hens so he has to go for the others.
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Hi, Lacey Roundheads are basically Black Breasted Reds. Here is a photo of the brood cock that produced my F1 chicks.


photo by Bruce Jones, pinnonhatch.com

I'm currently searching for a BB Red American Game Bantam pullet to cross with in the spring. AGB's retain all the traits of the larger breed, including the gameness, but cocks weigh less than 30 ozs.
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Morning Okies :

Sooner : I hope Madison feels better today, Sorry she missed Halloween night. Isn't it great being able to keep those little chicks in an outdoor brooder, I really like it.

Mallen : I want one of those Grey Law Roosters when the time comes to cull the Roo's from your flock, Put me on your list Pleeeeease.

Grace : Contray to popular belief I still have my Man card But since POOPS I am paying much higher dues for my temporary lack of good judgement LOL.

Charley : What are you hoping to get from your hatch ??, Any crosses mixed in there ??.

Last night was fun the girls had a blast, and the deal was set-up really nice this thing is a big deal around here.

Al, I don't have any crosses yet. The only thing I have laying right now is the hatchery cornish and only getting 2 - 3 eggs a week. everything else is too young but my welsummers and marans should start any time
With all the conversations we have had about our breeding projects, we know it's going to take a long time to acheive measurable results but I am somewhat impatient LOL.

With all the conversations we have had about our breeding prospects, we know it's going to take a long time to acheive measurable results but I am somewhat impatient LOL.


I think we all get impatient with our projects. All we can do is try to put as many on the ground as possible and cull hard. Sometimes tho, I would swear they're working against me. Also, I have to keep in mind that predators are going to take my best prospects. That's just GOD's way of telling me he hasn't forgotten what I did in high school. I've learned to live with it.

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Good Morning OKLAHOMA!!!

Beautiful morning herein the lesser state of T. Finally some sunshine. I been out playing with the birds ,putting chicks out is the sun for some much needed vitaminD! It sure does them good. Chopped up some grass salad for all the ones in the coops. Turned some loose let them run awhile. They sure enjoy it. Also set one broody. Was excited to have 3 eggs from my new Aseels to put under her. I am sure liking them. Can't wait till spring ,I want to order some maylay and shamo eggs. These big bantams ,mke me anxious to have some giant standards!

The National Pigeon Show was great. Took some pics and try to show them. Brought 2 pairs of archangels and one pair of brunner pouters. The pouters are kinda like the aseels,very long legged and long necks. (Glad I'm not shopping for a woman right now! With this new interest in long legs and long necks I would proably end up with one of those Watusi women with the bands around her neck to stretch it!LOL. But then again if she came with her own zebu cows that might not be bad after all!LOL. I better get out of here before my Dw stretches my neck way out there! Everyone enjoy their sunday afternoon.
With all the conversations we have had about our breeding prospects, we know it's going to take a long time to acheive measurable results but I am somewhat impatient LOL.


I think we all get impatient with our projects. All we can do is try to put as many on the ground as possible and cull hard. Sometimes tho, I would swear they're working against me. Also, I have to keep in mind that predators are going to take my best prospects. That's just GOD's way of telling me he hasn't forgotten what I did in high school. I've learned to live with it.


I just didn't think these Standard Cornish would be this difficult to breed naturally. It seems to be something Cornish breeders have been dealing with this yr.

You're first on the list Al. Several others have expressed interest as well. I hope to have lots to choose from about mid-summer.
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