Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hmm.... Peter Steele...

For those who are going, "who?" He's the lead singer of Type O Negative.

Peeeeeeeeeeeeter Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeele.....

I could get a good night's sleep listening to him sing to me...
do not let him fool you he will hit on you it is when he does not mean to it when he starts to blush
He was probably barking at me bcs I was getting ready for bed, LOL. Man I drank way too much coffee yesterday, I had jitters and couldn't go to sleep. I am not used to all the caffeine. I will try and drink less today, especially since my head kind of hurts. I don't get hangovers when I drink alcohol, but I guess I get something similar to one if I have too much coffee.
I don't care for country music for the same reason that I don't care for alt rock ... most of it sounds like someone beating a baby with a bagpipe. But if you're talking about country bass singers, you have to mention Richard Sterban. I have been a fan of his since he was singing southern gospel before his days with the Oak Ridge Boys. I've always enjoyed listening to a good tenor over a bass tho.

Thanks city- miss donna is my head girl and nobody mess with her roost! thank you very much!- ornery gal... she definitly was peeved at me... now if there was a market for chicken art i'd be doin great! haven't seen much in chicken art, so am doing the other things like parrots and such

i hate to see roos done away with unless they are mean....still wish that one of mine had mellowed, but that brahma of mine is a sweetheart- i occasionally pet him, but make sure i'm not getting too friendly, hope that works with him

Robin, If I had money I would definitely buy your stuff - you are so extremely talented and I've learned to watch the photos you post closely - your paintings are impressively realistic! It sounds to me like you're doing good to not get too "lovey" with your nice Brahma roo. I remember Les/NNbreeder said something on here about not petting and loving up on a rooster much when he's little - so when he grows up he's more likely to see you as The Boss and not as another member of his flock to be dominated. I don't have any roosters so I can't comment from experience, but this made sense to me.

While reading this it made me think of a show I watched last night. I don't know what the guys name is and I was going to rewind and record it but I forgot. Anyways, he was doing more of a water painting. He had already painted the canvas with diagonal blackish squares to resemble the whole painting to look like lattice. Then he was just taking mixtures of the water paints and stroking it on, then slapping it on and letting it run all over and talking all kinds of smack that was cracking me up (yes, I know I am easy entertained). Then he was saying things like you yeah you guys are thinking I am crazy making a big mess here, then he started blotting it and it was looking good, but he didn't stop with his blotting with the rag, he took off his hat and started beating the painting. I started laughing harder. He was telling us to just take your hat or whatever and just slap it and blot it and slap it it won't matter, it is art!
I just don't remember this technique from my art instructors and thought the guy was crazy, well almost as crazy as I am anyways LOL. Maybe I was delirious with caffeine overdose, but I thought it was pretty funny. After that he went onto making vines weaving in and out and then the roses and talking about his wife Katherine that the roses outside like her to fertilize them but not him. Funny thing then he started boring me and I went back to cruising the internet. Anyways, I thought I would share my crazy show I watched last night or early this morning when I was trying to make myself sleepy. I really got to get back on a regular sleeping pattern! School starts Monday.


I think I somewhat agree, not that I have heard somebody beat a baby with a bagpipe. Does it sound good or bad? LOL

eta: I think I like some alt rock though, country music makes me
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If I'm trying to stay awake, it's gotta be hard rock, heavy metal, or alt rock. This project called for alt rock

I don't know what it is about a bass voice though... just gets me.


I think I somewhat agree, not that I have heard somebody beat a baby with a bagpipe. Does it sound good or bad? LOL

I have gotten to where I much prefer a good ballad. Somewhere, at some point, it became fashionable for vocalists to sound as if they are being murdered. Because it sells, record companies keep shoveling it out and so the following generations of vocalists mimic it ad nauseum. Once in a while a really remarkable singer comes along, but they are becoming extinct.

hey everyone , i have never attended or been to a poultry show and i would like to go and see one , with hope of a possible purchase too, can anyone tell me where to find out where they are ? thanks ,


I think I somewhat agree, not that I have heard somebody beat a baby with a bagpipe. Does it sound good or bad? LOL

I have gotten to where I much prefer a good ballad. Somewhere, at some point, it became fashionable for vocalists to sound as if they are being murdered. Because it sells, record companies keep shoveling it out and so the following generations of vocalists mimic it ad nauseum. Once in a while a really remarkable singer comes along, but they are becoming extinct.


I really do agree! I love to sing myself. And in fact I really like songs that are acapella if they are sung properly. I love some good harmonizing! Of course, I do like music with instruments too, but I don't like the music where it sounds like they are just whining or screaming. That just does not sound like good music to my ears.
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