Okies in the BYC The Original

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That is what most of the training manuals say you are supposed to do, although I have read different opinions on it. I have mixed feelings about that. I definitely want my dogs to be people-friendly, and not like the surly beasts I have seen on some farms. Last thing in the world I want is a horror story like this one...


This was a very interesting read! Did you read the comments below? I do have to agree with the readers comments of that page. However, on this situation I think that there should be more or a median to be found, where you keep the dog still a part of the family enough that he would do no harm to the children or other children that may come over to visit. Other children may not know it is no alright to approach the dog or chickens. Children are very curious when going over to a friends house and may see something and start running to check things out that they may not have at their own house or things they already love. But I think you can still distill into the dog what his duties are to be.
Good idea
Um... I, ah... yeah, I want some too.

Sad thing is, they're weak and don't handle shipping well. Especially to get to me since it takes 2 - 3 days. So, if anyone has a good delivery time on day-olds, I'd like to piggy back for some Madagascar Games - straight run.

Well, I have enough right now to make the order. If you and NN want in on it, I can order Madagascar games and see if they'll make it. It really depends on y'all.

I have missed all the teamwork talk.
So who is getting what and do you need another player?
I would like a few Madgascars too.
Well, I have enough right now to make the order. If you and NN want in on it, I can order Madagascar games and see if they'll make it. It really depends on y'all.

I have missed all the teamwork talk.
So who is getting what and do you need another player?
I would like a few Madgascars too.

Monty, I'm doing an Ideal order. I wanted to see if other people would join in because I didn't want any packing peanuts in the order *and* I didn't want to order 25 because I have limited space (and my hatch appears to be a loss). So far I'm up to:

2 cockerels/5 pullets standard dark brahma for myself
5 cockerels/10 pullets standard dark brahma for the Fletcher folk

6 -8 Saipans straight run for someone else who pm'd me

So I have the minimum. NN mentioned the Madagascar games and so did Cuban Longtails. I'll be placing the order on Friday after I get paid. If you want in on the fun, just let me know and I'll be glad to add ya
I sure had fun this weekend! I got home at like 4:45 am....Doc got home at like 7:30 am...they stopped and ate somewhere. My little guy was zero help. He laid the seat back curled up in coats and was out! He brought his pillow just for the occasion! I did get some cool birds! Bunch of hens...cool ducks that I don't think are a pair...but they called it a pair...I still think two females! I am back in the Egyptian Faymouri game!! Carla rocks!!! Clayotn is pleased with his silkies...Mom got told about those very early! Mike was great showing us his stuff in the dark and late as it was! I gotta go back there in the light!

Looks great outside here...wish i could go out and play!

We cleaned up the yard and garage yesterday getting birds situated. It really needed it cuz the boys have been feeding and such on their own...never knew how messy that process could be w/o supervision...should have remembered how my little bro was! My goofy boys will carry several waters pressed to their bodies instead of using a bicket to carry them...then they whine about being cold. i have no sympathy and tell them to use a bucket and get over it!

Looking to see what chicks I might want...Monty...if you wanna order chicks later holler...I might be game for a March order...not sure gotta look and such...
I have missed all the teamwork talk.
So who is getting what and do you need another player?
I would like a few Madgascars too.

Monty, I'm doing an Ideal order. I wanted to see if other people would join in because I didn't want any packing peanuts in the order *and* I didn't want to order 25 because I have limited space (and my hatch appears to be a loss). So far I'm up to:

2 cockerels/5 pullets standard dark brahma for myself
5 cockerels/10 pullets standard dark brahma for the Fletcher folk

6 -8 Saipans straight run for someone else who pm'd me

So I have the minimum. NN mentioned the Madagascar games and so did Cuban Longtails. I'll be placing the order on Friday after I get paid. If you want in on the fun, just let me know and I'll be glad to add ya

I am debating really hard on getting in or not. I am wanting to find some more Standard Cochins. I love the four I got from Poco and it is killing me because I know Ideal has them, hmmmmmmm.

ETA: When would you expecting the delivery? I am planning to come to the city in a couple of weeks.
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Ah...parental sympathy...Have ya ever seen Major Payne?

I was too excited to sleep on the way home...I jabbered Mike's poor ears off!!
Hola Henny! Yes I have...loved it! Stop worrying baout Shawn...he is big boy. Well...actually he is pretty much a wimp...you should worry....some one probably beat him up and took his lunch. He acted all hurt about not being asked to go but had some silly plans about getting his nails done or something.

I drank enough dew that I was ready to talk but my co-pilot was out! So I cranked the radio and sang...that and tried to find that perfet level between hot and cold...which is really hard to do in my wife's ride...all that space in the back and and the heated seats and then it was really freaking cold so if i put my arm on the door it froze but the other arm was hot...
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