Okies in the BYC The Original

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Why fight it? You know you love them...why don't you just stop fighting it and get some really good ones and breed and show them? You know you want to...

Doesn't look like we are gonna make Cement at the end of the month. I am headed to the city Thursday night for fun school stuff Friday...so anything cool going of this Friday night? Any reason for me to stick around or bring my truck???
I'm gonna tell Shawn you are talking smack behind his back!

Glad ya made it home safe!!

I'm sitting here thinking to myself..."I smell chicken crap".

Duh.... My shirt is a mess... had me some hen hug therapy this morning....!! The sunshine is fabulous!! I want spring!!
Heya Kate...How's life?

I can't really complain, it is a very beautiful day outside! I just need to get out there and enjoy some of it, although it is still snowy in most of the places with some mud developing others. So not sure what I would do out there yet anyways, but I am very happy it is starting to thaw out. I have some bulbs I need to plant that I got on clearance right before Christmas and the Okie Blizzard sitting in my trunk. So I am just trying to finish up things inside before I start my first class tomorrow. My Tuesdays are probably going to kill me this semester. I have classes from 4:00 - 10:00 every Tuesday, then a lab on Thursdays along with one of Char's ballet practices then Basketball practice after that. However, it looks like I will have days to do gardening and chores along with Wednesdays and Fridays, yay!

Except when I go to meet with another professor for my Thesis work, those are just random times between our two schedules which I don't even know with his yet. So maybe this semester won't be so bad if the Tuesdays don't kill me.
Why fight it? You know you love them...why don't you just stop fighting it and get some really good ones and breed and show them? You know you want to...

I wish... I would love to do that... but I'm too far away from anything to even bother....

So I hang out in the boonies... with my mutts... but I have fun!!
That is what most of the training manuals say you are supposed to do, although I have read different opinions on it. I have mixed feelings about that. I definitely want my dogs to be people-friendly, and not like the surly beasts I have seen on some farms. Last thing in the world I want is a horror story like this one...


This was a very interesting read! Did you read the comments below? I do have to agree with the readers comments of that page. However, on this situation I think that there should be more or a median to be found, where you keep the dog still a part of the family enough that he would do no harm to the children or other children that may come over to visit. Other children may not know it is no alright to approach the dog or chickens. Children are very curious when going over to a friends house and may see something and start running to check things out that they may not have at their own house or things they already love. But I think you can still distill into the dog what his duties are to be.

What kind of idiot goes riding in bear country without at least a .357 mag?

Well, they are all "out of season" (both the brahmas and the saipans)... when I called and asked, that means that they'll be mailed in March. Hopefully that's not a problem for folk... I wasn't aware that the dark brahmas were out of season. On the other hand, that's a good thing because the weather will be warming up soon afterward, which means I won't need to brood them out in my mudroom
Well, they are all "out of season" (both the brahmas and the saipans)... when I called and asked, that means that they'll be mailed in March. Hopefully that's not a problem for folk... I wasn't aware that the dark brahmas were out of season. On the other hand, that's a good thing because the weather will be warming up soon afterward, which means I won't need to brood them out in my mudroom

Yay for Spring! Just hurry up and get here already. I agree I am not liking brooding inside. I knew I was allergic to birds, but I am recently reminded when I want to sit there and stare at them while I play with them inside. I do so much better when they are outside in the fresh air.

Why is it that i have to be allergic to the things I love the most. I can't ride horses without itchy eyes and sneezing (so before I do I have to heavily medicate myself), I can't have more than my one siamese inside and I still have to go and immediately wash my hands after petting her (other cats can make me sneeze and asthma without touching and Char is starting to show the same symptoms out at Grandma's where they have two new kittens. The last three times she has stayed I pick her up to having her wheezy and lethargic. Of course, the MIL does not agree and cannot provide me with any other reason why all of a sudden every time since she has gotten them this happens to Char.) Dogs make my skin itch when I play with them and I break out in a rash, oh the same is true for tigers and they are so much fun to play with, but I got huge burning hives within 10 minutes. I guess it is a good thing I didn't become a zoo keeper, oh wait that is what my husband thinks I am.
OK... I am stting here collecting serious dust when I should be working....

My turkey is really limping... but I can't see any swelling or anything..... when he stands... he tries to get it up off the ground...looks like an ungainly flamingo!! He seems fine is sunning and paddling around the run....
If it's outside, I'm probably allergic to it. My daily allergy regimen is 3 zyrtec, 1 xyzal, eyedrops, and a nasal spray. That's just to make it through a regular day. You should see what happens when I mow the grass... it ain't pretty. Of course, J won't mow it for me because he works 12-14 hour days and is dead tired by the time he gets home. I just refuse to mow HIS lawn because I'm not going through that twice a week when the grass starts to grow.

My daughter started allergy shots in November... she's got almost as many allergies as I do. Only good thing about all this allergy crap is that neither of us are allergic to cats/dogs/birds. It's everything else that will eat our lunch
I'm even allergic to fruits that are related to latex (bananas, avocados, kiwis, etc) although that is a new allergy that has developed in the last 2-3 years and I think I've mentioned it before that I think that allergy is related to the pesticides/fertilizers used nowadays.
I hate grading...what is so hard about understanding "describe"? It does not mean list people! Tell me something about those things! Just a little effort would be appreciated here! And is it too much to ask that you don't wear your street shoes on the basketball court? Simple rule....why can't we follow it?

Wonderful day at the zoo today! Hope everyone that saw Clayton enjoyed the visit. He is grounded until further notice...long day
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