Okies in the BYC The Original

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Oh I only wish... I'd do just about anything right now to get the chickens from Okmulgee, stash them somewhere (anywhere!) close enough that I could get to them and have someone show me how to slaughter them.

I just begged P&B about her offer to show me how to butcher at her place. Hopefully she sees my PM.

See, people... this is what desperate is beginning to look/sound like...
Are you feeling any better? We got an update from Teach

still not good looks like I will have surgery in a month or two
glad you are back, Teach was talking bad about you so now's your turn!

How did it work out at the Doc??
glad you are back, Teach was talking bad about you so now's your turn!

How did it work out at the Doc??

sat in his office all day to find out he needs a better MRI. called the Ins. to get it approved no one there call ins. called this morning said go ahead and get it done so now I will have to go back to the City next week for two day
Quentston, How are you?
Being the wheeler dealer chciken man that you have become, I have lost track of what all breeds you have and what you are wanting to continue with or get out of.
How is the hatch going?

I want to get out of some breeds before I start hatching again.
Hey Okies! I'm down here in Baja Oklahoma, where it was walled in solid with fog at 8:00 a.m.; sun came out at 8:30 a.m., and by 10:40 it looks like it might rain. I know Texas wants to be like Oklahoma - looks like their weather is getting close!

Sooner - I'm so glad your headache is gone - sorry about the rash.

I'm sorry to hear that the bird processing drama continues, Faerie! Good deal on the metal shed, though.

Everyone have a great day!
I'm still here, fwiw.

ok what is fwiw?

I wish I could offer some help on the processing. Maybe you will be able to take P&B up on it.....If I were closer I would come an help & learn.
I'm still here, fwiw.

ok what is fwiw?

I wish I could offer some help on the processing. Maybe you will be able to take P&B up on it.....If I were closer I would come an help & learn.

For What It's Worth
Sooner this morning I had 17 and looked as though I had four more pip last night so I am sure that I will have a bator full of fuzzy butts tonight!!

Monty I am getting rid of my Salmon Favorelles and my BTW Japs, as far as breeds, I have a bunch but I think that I am downsizing the ones that I dont want and going to increase on the breeds that I am keeping. I have Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, Gold laced Wyandotte, and a few mutt chickens for my egg layers. As far as what I am trying to do with show stock is, Silkies, Bantam Cochins, Quail D'Anvers, Mille Fleurs, and light Brahmas. I am really looking for more for my show stock but having a hard time so I thought that maybe if I travel and get away from home I can find something I have been looking for if not I will get to visit with some Okies from the thread!!!!
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