Okies in the BYC The Original

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i second that! folks need to learn and if you don't share, how can they learn???

have a question for you all...rumor has it that hanging CDs will discourage hawks, sooooo, how far apart ? and i don't want to run off the wild jays i feed either.... hmmmmm

Doesn't the Jays run the hawks off? The Mocking Birds we have here do but they are just here through the summer.
we have a colony of jays...LOL! they are very social birds, the first set of babies grow up then become baby sitters for the next set- didn't know they'd keep the hawks away too.... we have crows around here too, guess i'll rethink the shiny stuff..
hay teach about your post the other day you don't come over so fare is fare

And who went to who's house last? Yeah... I went to yours! Doesn't matter if you weren't there and your wife was excited! Okay...maybe it was to steal plumbing parts but I like to start rumors! You gotta see my ducks!

I will come over and see your ducks tomorrow
Ducks make me
Went to Guthrie and picked up the feed tonight. Just noticed that she didn't include the danged ingredient list that I'd asked for with my recent, but she sure did add a stapled flier about medicated CATTLE feed containing an antibiotic or something...
Did I buy cattle feed? Do I need to know if it's medicated? Seriously?

Oh, and I think J has infected me with his bad mood.
Yep LS-50 at the dosage rate of 1 tablespoon per gallon of water for a full 7 days. If you are good at injecting you can give Tylan-50 at the rate of 1/4cc for bantams or 1/2cc for large fowl twice daily and give for four days after symptoms disappear. If they haven't turned around by the end of the second day swap to the LS-50.

Thank you, you are a life savor

I have all the sickies in a make shift "hospital" out in the shop... moved them away from the ones that are still showing healthy.

tomorrow DD and I are going to strip the COOP bare and sanitize like crazy... while the "men folk" are up in Apache picking up some free red brick

Speaking of Jersey Cows... I would like to get my hand on a calf if that is possible.... I love Jerseys, I helped bottle raise one when I was a wee lil lassie... ahhh ok now I am really missing the life...
oh wait I guess I am kinda living it now..
Looks like I'm back to needing transportation for two sweet Silkie hens.

I would like to get them from TULSA to CEMENT on the 30th of this month.
If someone could get them from TULSA to MOORE, that works too, since I already have someone in Moore lined up who can bring them to Cement.
Just take your order number and call them back in the morning to double check. The two main drugs for cattle are Bovatek and Deccox. Bovatek is an anti bloating meant for cattle on wheat pasture and Deccox is anti Cocci. Don't know if they will hurt chickens but Bovatek will knock sheep graveyard dead!!
Someone recently picked up a bunch from the dairy in Texas...they were listed on craigslist. let's see if I can find them again...
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