Okies in the BYC The Original

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Do you use regular shampoo or any at all, im clueless seriously.

Just read your sig, how many black cochins you got running around? Are you as bad as me and fire up the bator every time an egg hits the nest?
Shampoo or wash that is safe for babies usually is safe for chickens. Some dog or cat shampoo works, too.
I only have three BCBs right now, but they are my newest addition - I'll build up those numbers in no time!
And, I only incubate in the spring.... but I surely hatch ton then!
Ive got about 23 silkie babies and 15 or so bbs and 2 turkens I hatched out I think in Dec and havent had the bator on sense. I AM HAVING WITHDRAWLS. Trying to find a large qauntity of eggs on craigslist and it aint working. Bet I could TJ's Na Na to hook me up with cinnamon queen eggs to play with.
Hey Al !!!

The first egg from these went in the incubator today



Found the egg yesterday, but none today
Hope they start laying regular soon.
Muesky, I got my first trio from TimK, the second trio from Ione (can't remember her BYC name, but she's an awesome lady). I picked up the 3rd cockerel from OKCarla, who hatched it with an batch of eggs she got from a lady in CA. My other 2 pullets are coming from Lynne in California (can't remember her BYC name either... bad me, brain fried). So basically I scraped up the money and had 3 shipped in, will have 2 more shipped in, and got lucky that TimK lives in Tuttle. His MFCs got wiped out last week in a predator raid... he's got a few left, but will be re-breeding his own stock back up and therefore won't be selling much in the way of eggs/chicks.

You're more than welcome to join OSUKrazyKate on my MFC waiting list... after my pullets start laying and I can verify fertility, I'll be glad to get you some eggs. Oh, and several of the breeders have started putting up eggs for MFCs on Eggbid and in the auction section, so you might want to keep an eye out there too.
The last two days I've been working on making an incubator from an entertainment cabinet. I'm happy to say she is working great and holding the temperature within 1 degree. I'm rather proud of my second generation homemade incubator. The light is on far less than with the first incubator so maybe I can afford to run this one.
I did end up having to cut the last egg tray from the turner though so it actually holds 36 eggs per shelf. I'm planning on adding computer fans later and changing it around some but I had to get some shipped eggs started. I will add a hatching tray to the upper shelf during this hatch. If I can do 72 eggs at a time plus a hatching tray, I'll be happy. It may be hard to tell but the front is actually glass and I wrap the silver bubble wrap around to help keep the heat in. (It actually helps ALOT.) I can easily check everything on the inside without opening the door which is a huge plus too. Additionally, the light doesn't light up the entire family room with the wrap on (problem I had with the first generation).

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