Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hello and Good Night, Okies! I have been working a lot lately and haven't had time to post much - just to catch up and say hi when I can. I worked at both Harlem Globetrotter shows in Tulsa today - I'd never seen them before although I've wanted to since I was little. It was fun, but I'm tired. Sweet dreams to all - and I hope you Blanchard Auction-goers have fun together (you lucky Okies!).

eta: I got the 47000th post - yea me!
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I forgot to post this pic of a buff orp. I had 2 of them born the same way...one of them has kind of straightend it's neck out but this one is very slowly sometimes holding it right. Anyone have any ideas what is wrong? Do we just need to cull it out?

If he makes it I think I'll name him Chicken Little! LOL The sky is falling! Where's Dr. Les? I need you.

Had a WONDERFUL TIME at BLANCHARD, Thanks everyone for making it so enjoyable for the family and I... Great to see some familiar faces and some I had yet to meet in person...

I walked away with learning alot

1: Continue to avoid messing with electricity at all costs...( ahem s-Jarvis)

2: Al is correct you never leave a place with poultry empty handed

(Silkie and NN Roo)

3: P&B and KrazyKate are bidding addicts who need serious help and insist on buying 4 of everything even if what is for Auction are just two items at a time..
Heh. Maybe it's a good thing I never seem to be able to make it to the auctions... I don't have the necessary SPACE to get any more that don't need to be brooded until we get the sheds and get them converted...
Some say that can be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Poly-Vi-Sol without iron drops is what I've seen recommended.

Good luck with your chick.
Dandilion we usualy lose power during this month, knock on wood, we havent yet. Hopefuly we wont get no icestorms (cross fingers). Would hate to buy a bunch of shipped eggs and loser power for 12 days again
Good evening Okies... I hope everyone had a lovely day... I spent most of the day trying to get things done so that we could attend the auction at Blanchard, but, My husband spent all week digging postholes for Telephone poles that he is setting for an addition to our barn, now he has a bad back problem and we been nursing it all evening... He can barely move let alone be able to go any where.... so we just stayed at home....

I hope everyone had a good time... Wish I were there... Heard they had some golden red pheasants crossed with lady amherst.... To Bad.. I would have love to have added them to my collection.

We bought a pair of Cayuga Ducks to add to my duck collection....

I wanted to buy some call ducks the other night at alex, but they went for $64 for one pair and $44 for another pair.... I just cant dive in that deep just yet for them... But Alex had really good prices on their birds if someone was looking to sell.... Some guy brought his show breeders in to sell.... Lots of nice looking ones too....

Well, Fixing to head to bead if I can Get Montana to unwind after an hour nap about 7:30 this evening....
I can understand that. I had eggs in and lost power. It was for only 4 hours but it was in the single digit days. I'm still hoping but I think it got 'em.

12 days without electric is WAY TOO LONG!
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