Okies in the BYC The Original

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Doing pretty good, well except for the previously mentioned muddy run and not a chance that mine is going to freeze up for me, but the weather's pretty nice otherwise. How are you? I was just taking a break and talking to Big Q. He said to let everyone know that he's surviving training
but is getting a little homesick and can't wait to get back Sat. He did mention that his wife is suffering with pneumonia though, prayers? It was good talking to/meeting Q and we'll see about meeting up maybe before Sat.

I really have to go now, later everybody.
Ha! Al, this sounds like something of which Stimpy would approve! Speaking of the Stimpster, has anyone heard from him lately?

I tested out some of that "death by chocolate" last night and it was GOOOOOOD!
After spending the weekend moving my mother in with us, I really needed something.
I really think that It will go great with a cup of the FREE coffee that we offer at our place.... Everyone needs to come on down and experience this cake....

Tell me you have sugar & creamer containers and I don't have to rip packages for my coffee!
Are you done moving your mom??
I am hoping to talk some others into going I will be leaving from OKC & driving back when it is over.

I do have sugar and creamer containers... I also have ketchup and mustard containers.... I hate anything that comes in packages...lol
Tell me you have sugar & creamer containers and I don't have to rip packages for my coffee!
Are you done moving your mom??
I am hoping to talk some others into going I will be leaving from OKC & driving back when it is over.

I do have sugar and creamer containers... I also have ketchup and mustard containers.... I hate anything that comes in packages...lol

Mmmm Death By Chocolate sounds so good! I wish I could go! By the time our auction is over I cant get to Fletcher in time. Maybe I can go if your having a sale Thanksgiving weekend. We usually shut down that weekend and Christmas weekend. Seems like almost all the auctions are on Saturdays. Have some cake for me!!!
I know i'm not an okie but I trust your opinions more than others, and i'm related to one. I added a fan to my still air incubator last night because of poor hatches and the inability to control the temp. I bought the fan off of ebay it was listed as an incubator fan but it weighs over a pound I wired it in and it's really loud. Loud enough to hear outside! Is this a problem? I'm afraid it's a little overkill for a styrofoam hovabator. It blows pretty good but not too much I don't think.what are you folks thoughts?
Doc you are welcome here anytime!!

I don't have any information for you and would advise that you post again later this evening for the guys that really know stuff about incubators.
I built Grace an incubator last season and I used the coling fan from a old computer. The first one I put in was a cooling fan for the CPU and it was a little small for a cabinet incubator but might work for what you are using it for. The other one is the tower cooling fan and it moves a lot of air and mine is not really very loud. You might have a bad fan if it's too noisy.
Well I made it to DFW. I only had moderate motion sickness. The first thing I did after landing was to find some Dramamine. My next flight leaves in about an hour. I got my Dramamine and a puzzle book, I just might survive.
Just got a phone call from J, who is happily playing his game at home on his birthday. He says "Did you buy me a ROOSTER for my birthday?" I said "No, but I bought MYSELF a rooster for your birthday!" and about fell out of my chair laughing. He was laughing pretty hard too, he said he didn't know if he'd be able to ask that question without bursting out laughing. Hilarious! But hey, at least the roo isn't hanging out at the P.O. all day...
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