Okies in the BYC The Original

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That sounds like a great idea. I know there is nothing wrong with my flock but it would be nice to see if he would produce the rooster and if so then we can look him over ourselves to see if there is anything visible with him.
carl spoke with him..... He said he will put the rooster in a bag and in the freezer and bring him to us at Blanchard. Carl told him that he would give him his money back and we are going to quarantine the place until we can get the rooster checked out...... he said that sounded a little harsh to quarantine the place and he really wasnt wanting his money back, but ok.
Ah. Well, I didn't see the part about dog prints. Must have missed that. I'm just surprised the dogs only killed one bird, plus the rest of your description certainly sounds like a coon attach. I was thinking you had both coon and dog problems.
Three questions:
1) What time does the goat/calf auction begin?
2) Do you know yet what color of Flemish Giants?
3) Will you please reserve the back two tables for us again?

From his craigslist ad...

"Goats,feeder pigs, calves under 250 lbs,sheep start at 2pm followed by Poultry,Rabbits,Other small animals,cages and etc start at 5 pm "
I have a TON of eggs...
Black cochin roo and hen thats laying, black giant hen, barred rock hen, and RiR hen...
Show girl and a few splash are in their but Im not sure if they are laying. May also have
a couple pure polish... Now I still never got a bator but hate these eggs to waste away.
Any ideas from you all.....?
Just my thoughts on the roo.... I would never ask for a refund unless I thought their was
a health problem. I have bought from sjarvis00 and they run a clean ship and would love
to come back and buy more in fact....
I always express, no guarantee! Never Refund Without Looking and Verifying that its your bird that you sold and verify that it is dead... From now on, i would express that your not responsible for anything that happens once the bird leaves your property.. By all means, he cant make you refund his money... Most of us, especially us that buy from auctions have known to buy a bird and the next day it just up and die. Thats why there are no guarantees.... So he needs to do like the rest of us.... If that rooster just up and died, then what makes him think the others that he will be getting from you wont just up and die too.????
Here are a couple photos of the industrial sewing machines I was asked about.. If anyone may be interested I can get more!!




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Wish I were closer or coming this weekend instead of next & I would be glad to take them off your hands.
Hi guys, congrats on the possible 50 deg tomorrow, that should be nice.
You also have no idea where he kept that rooster, and no idea what it was exposed to, after it left your house.

I know.... he said it was inside a barn, no insulation tht it was exposed to, and no poison.... and it didnt choke!..... Really?! He wants me to make it right since he paid so much for him, and I will. But I cant decide if I want him to bring to rooster with him so I can see for myself.

Steph, how's it going besides this? I think that the topic has already been covered but I thought that I would add my 2 cents. He would have to produce the bird before he could get a refund (or trade) because you are, in fact, purchasing the bird back to do with it what you want. (Like a little autopsy, inspection, or whatever.) It sounds like Carl may have already gotten everything straightened out though. Good luck.

Les, are you going to do you handout in electronic form this time and just have everybody print it out on their own. I ask 'cause the chances are kind of slim for me making it and I really enjoyed (and used) the last one thanks to P&B. I could offer some assistance on putting it together if it would be helpful. If you used a spreadsheet program you could even have tabs for each individual topic to make it easier to find the info. You don't even have to buy the software for it because there is an Open Office program available free on-line.

Ya'll have a great weekend and enjoy the show and auctions.
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