Okies in the BYC The Original

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close enough...

Stimp and i represent that remark

Coming from someone that would crawl into a creepy van for game birds, I think NOT.

OH WAIT, represent,, OK, I would think more of resemble but, go to the post office and look at my profile.

Have you seen the "genetically enhanced" chickens? Their hackle feathers drag the ground. The feathers are used for fly tying.
On ebay a single feather will sell for $2.00 or more depending on the color and length.
"genetically enhanced" - how so? Is it just a certain breed? I have heard about folks using some sort of bird for fly tying but never paid a bunch of attention. Knew a couple guys that did it but...not really much fishing her unless you travel and the fly fishing was just catching on when I left south Texas.
Short sleeves and sunny, a beautiful day. The run is still really moist just below the surface which is really strange for here but we had a little shower last Saturday again. It usually doesn't smell as much when things are drier, I might have to muck out for a change.

Good weather should be coming your way though, our forecast is clear for a while.
"genetically enhanced" - how so? Is it just a certain breed? I have heard about folks using some sort of bird for fly tying but never paid a bunch of attention. Knew a couple guys that did it but...not really much fishing her unless you travel and the fly fishing was just catching on when I left south Texas.

I thought that they were partial to blue andalusians but when I check into it they still wanted them attached to the skin (tanned or preserved) and the whole cape or hackle.
"genetically enhanced" - how so? Is it just a certain breed? I have heard about folks using some sort of bird for fly tying but never paid a bunch of attention. Knew a couple guys that did it but...not really much fishing her unless you travel and the fly fishing was just catching on when I left south Texas.

I thought that they were partial to blue andalusians but when I check into it they still wanted them attached to the skin (tanned or preserved) and the whole cape or hackle.

The mouse or fawn colors are preferred, but, almost any of these sell good.
I thought that they were partial to blue andalusians but when I check into it they still wanted them attached to the skin (tanned or preserved) and the whole cape or hackle.

The mouse or fawn colors are preferred, but, almost any of these sell good.

Ke_ben might know more about it since he is closer to the premier fly fishing area of the country. But they are considered their own variation of chicken since they have the same attributes of feathers that grow to that length.

Our youngest granddaughter turned one on Saturday. It was neat to visit with family. We took a five-generation photo since DH's grandfather and parents were at the party. Opa is 102, and he's still walking, talking, and bouncing babies on his lap. He talked incessantly about the Orpingtons his mother raised in Holland. I'm trying to find a few Oprington hens before spring break, since he's visiting us then and assumes we raise them. He told a story about an Orpington hen who flies into an open kitchen window, walks the counter, jumps down into his momma's lap, naps, and then lays an egg before returning to the chicken yard. If anyone's selling Orpington hens, I'm buying.

The weather looks ominous. I got home around 4:30, which is early, but the sky was already dark. I was hit by sprinkles a few times as I fed and watered my flock, but by the time I locked the barn, the drops had dried.

Our school musical will be performed this week. Dress rehearsals are today and tomorrow. Students are excited. They've worked hard to learn lines, songs, and choreography. I think the stage crew is more anxious than the actors. I'm glad the group will perform for the elementary students before performing for the kids at the high school. It'll be like an extra dress rehearsal since the elementary kids will love it no matter what.

I'm hearing rain. Time to shut the garage and start dinner.
Great story, Poco! Good luck on finding some Orpington hens so he can see them when he comes to visit - that will make him happy.
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