Okies in the BYC The Original

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I am in for the night...

Got some more welding done...takes a little while with a cracker box...you can't weld until it is done...you gotta take breaks and let the machine build enough juice so you don't plunge yourself into darkness
Glad the wife was out there watching me cuz I was all rolled up and couldn't get loose and had no idea what was where!

Not to self...don't get wife to help move birds from bator to brooder...the she knows how many you have! i will have plenty for the party!!! I promise to get with you once I know what I have cuz well...I am still hatching non-marked eggs...I blame the kids... sshshsh not everyone kows how bad I am about labeling!

Y'all would be proud....I actuall have marked stuff going in the bator since 3/4! That is a major accomplishment for me! Ag classes are gonna hatch a binch for me...I am gonna fill their bators when we get back from the break! Now if only I could find a few more bators for them!!!
watch it now..this is a family site!
How you doing dynamite?

Aw c'mon now Teach, I'm always family friendly on this site... y'all should be glad you don't have to hang around me and my gutter mind and all that jazz on the other forum I contribute to daily.

So far, so good! Went to the doc today, she told me the ache in my shoulder and tingling/numbness in my arm are not a figment of my imagination. She also said I had the lightest case of shingles she'd ever seen, which is GREAT, because shingles is usually a one time gig. Then I hijacked J after work and drove out and bought a HUGE pillowtop mattress to replace the cheap one I'd bought 2 years ago (I saved up to buy it, because I knew I wanted one and that the one I had was bad).

Now I'm trying to decide if I can splurge on a leaf blower/vacuum/mulcher combo to help clean out the coop and the yard.

Btw, faeries won't weld well.
sounds like you had a busy day....we bought one of them fancy mattresses awhile back...I likes it...we had to buy new sheets cuz our old ones wouldn't fit the thicker mattress!
It was well worth it.

I could teach ya to weld....one of the many classes I could teach but don't...I really would like to teach that one...I like to make stuff

Well...time for me to get cleaned up...welding is one of them jobs you look like you did something...even if you didn't do much!
Hello fellow Okies,

My sister and I made it back to my home last night. We had a lot of fun at the Blanchard auction. We got to stay and close it and have a delirious numbness from the adrenaline of being at a great chicken auction for over 8 hours, wheeweee.

My sister bought two bunny rabbits, which is what we stayed so late for, they were at the end. Then we also talked with Jerry for a few minutes before leaving. One of the hoppers is a flopper, which are two of the names she is thinking of naming them (Hopper and Flopper). Although we have been joking about Thumper and well the other rhymes with that.

I got 3 Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hens, 1 Black Ameraucana hen, 1 Frizzled roo something, a trio of Mottled Cochins, a Splash Silkie roo, 7 Cinnamon Queen chicks, and Maribeth was an enabler with a couple dozen hatching eggs.

I am so far behind and I am going to be very busy this week so I won't be on here much. Since my sister is going to be staying with me all week and we are going to be pretty busy.
I hope everybody has a beautiful week.
Hey fizzle, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you need to delete your last post. I am pretty sure that this is one of the conversation topics that we are not allowed to discuss at all. And we don't want to get our board all froze up again or shut down.
Good Bright & early Morning!!!

I have 38 bantam babies!!! Wayne you are the best! They are cute little buggers, even the NN. Les I think it has a bow tie. Got to see TJ's Nana & Bill, that was the best part.
Got the last 2 dozen of the eggs I acquired at Blanchard into the incubator last night. Fortunately, I had a large quantity of eggs due to hatch the middle to the end of this week that I could take out of the turning trays and move to the bottom of the incubator, since the only Hovabator hatcher I have turned on right now is full.

If even half of those maran and turken frizzle eggs hatch, I will have plenty to donate at POOPS.
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