Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hey Stray - I like your cute new avatar. Are you looking at setting up a little breeding program and hatching from your chickens, or are you looking to buy eggs to incubate? What breeds is it that you want that you're not getting fertile eggs from?
You are welcome to them. I love them but I just have too many of them. I need to get rid of about 20 or so birds. Do you want me to bring them to POOPS?

I wanna pair! So bring them to POOPS! I know you can get rid of them...bunches of us want some...I want them just cuz it is wrong!

Now Teach you know if I sell them to you they will be for food....
...I'll have to take a headcount and see how many I have. I have about 25 eggs to set this next week so I should have all sizes by POOPS. I know Al wants to give everyone a fair turn at getting birds but I also want to make sure someone is going to want them before I haul them 3 hours and have to take them back home cause I'll sell them on craigslist otherwise. I'll let you know how many I have after this weekend.
I am really interested them, I do not know which: duckling or older, POOPS is fine, or I can meet up somewhere before if ya do not want to so you have room for more too. Claremore is not far for me. I live in Osage county between Sperry and Sand Springs.
Donna, I could use a couple of older females if you have any extras.

You are welcome to them. I love them but I just have too many of them. I need to get rid of about 20 or so birds. Do you want me to bring them to POOPS?

Yes please! What colors do you have?
Sorry, I got Shanghaied earlier and it is probably going to happen again. I'm doing alright, just busy with life. Sorry about the job. Everybody have a great weekend.
Hey Stray - I like your cute new avatar. Are you looking at setting up a little breeding program and hatching from your chickens, or are you looking to buy eggs to incubate? What breeds is it that you want that you're not getting fertile eggs from?

Momma and I were wanting to buy hatching eggs at Poops, we do not have a roo. Momma thought it would be fun to get the eggs to have the hens set, but we've never had to do that for any reason.
And thanks I like it too.
Ok, if you are wanting Muskovy's send me an email stating that and what size. I also have crossbreeds of mallards and anconas..at least that's what I was told they were. As for the color of the muskovy they are the dark blue-green with white. I call them batman ducks because of the mask that they have. Now remember they are for food....

If you want any other ducks besides muskovy email me that also cause they are going on craigslist this weekend. I need to cut my feed bill as I have a jillion chicks hatched out and more on the way. Need any chicks that about 3 weeks old? There are some black sexlinks, and others.
You need a rooster, hun. Or do you have one and still aren't getting fertile eggs?

I has sumpthin' for youse....
If'n you wants /her/ I mean it...

I know I need a roo if I were going to do that, I'm not allowed to have a roo here, the neighbors have already spoken their dislike for me having my hens. Momma had been talking to someone about how it's possible for a hen to set on eggs that she did not lay.

And what would this she be? You has my attention.
I wanna pair! So bring them to POOPS! I know you can get rid of them...bunches of us want some...I want them just cuz it is wrong!

Now Teach you know if I sell them to you they will be for food....
...I'll have to take a headcount and see how many I have. I have about 25 eggs to set this next week so I should have all sizes by POOPS. I know Al wants to give everyone a fair turn at getting birds but I also want to make sure someone is going to want them before I haul them 3 hours and have to take them back home cause I'll sell them on craigslist otherwise. I'll let you know how many I have after this weekend.

I have to agree with Donna, I don't want to haul anything that I'm not sure that someone will want. For me it is a space issue, If I haul 20 birds & there isn't anyone that wants them & I have to haul them home, I in turn won't have room to buy anything new.

To quote stimpy: I'm just saying.
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