Okies in the BYC The Original

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Looks like I am talking to myself - last post last night and first post this morning. Going out to gather bunnies and take them up to Mary's where I will meet up with Michael Daugherty.

Everyone who is going to Cement tonight - have fun. This is the afternoon/evening for Hubby's annual high school reunion. Last year he told me that I talked to more people than he did.
So are you going to start selling there? I'm going to make it to Mary's some day. It sounds cool from the way folks describe it.

Say hi to Mike for me and thank him again for the heads up about the Carnegie mill. I bought ten sacks of feed for half what it would cost me at the feed store yesterday.

I'm going to try to make it to Cement tonight. Hope to see others there.
I wanna go.... Dang it...
I am still building the super coop but I do have chicks inside.
Holds 130 pullet size with ease. No paint yet but I do have two windows and a door.
Im getting some pullets out at 4 to a nice guy from the other side of Tulsua.
So I will stay home and do my thing...
Carla, I would find a small fan and stick in in your sportsman. A computer fan can be used in a styrofoam incubator, but it would probably be too small for a cabinet-sized one. Maybe just the smallest oscillating-type fan you can find?
Good Morning everybody! I have been so busy lately with spring and end of spring semester business.

However, I have a huge problem that I just noticed this morning. I have quite a few of my chickens have bubbling foam like liquid coming from their eyes. A few of the chickens have an eye closed with liquid coming out. Other than the eyes bubbling their doesn't seem to be any other problems with these birds. What do I do?
My birds did that once. They also had wheezing. I ended up mixing some Terrimycin (sp.) powder with their water and locked them in the coop for a few days. The antibiotic cleared them up. Maybe someone will come around to help you. The board has been pretty slow tha last couple of days. I think everyone is out enjoying the nice weather.
I went up to my local feed store and got Duramycin 10 and put it in their water. I am so worried about my birds. I am noticing the few that seem to be a little worse are mostly wanting to stay in the coop. However, I have gotten them all out and am going to also clean the coop today and hope that may help some too. I don't think it was that bad, but if there are germs in there I figured I would try and disinfect.
I can't give you any first-hand help Kate - but I did search 'foamy eyes' on BYC and came up with some other threads you might want to read (links below). In short, it could be any number of infectious respiratory ailments:

-Mycoplasma galluseptim (MG) aka Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
-Infectious Bronchitis
-Infectious Coryza (discharge would be very smelly)

These threads have a wide range of treatment advice, so I don't know how much help they'll be...but you might find something. Maybe nnbreeder will be by today and give you some help. Poultryand bees and TJ's Na-Na also give good advice about these types of things. Good luck!




Yeah I have been also reading on the threads. From my nose I can't smell anything from the discharge. I am starting to lean towards it being a Respiratory disease. I hope it isn't anyting serious and I start loosing my peeps. I just made them up a batch of oatmeal and crushed several cloves of garlic and put in it with a bunch of crushed up cayenne peppers. When I get a sickness I make up a batch of tomato sauce with lots of garlic and cayenne in it and I always get better pretty quick, well throat problem type things anyways. So I am hoping that will also help them out, but I notice a couple of them not wanting to eat and are wanting to stay more in the shade area of the yard.
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