Okies in the BYC The Original

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So do you wont any thing sp.or do's it mat If you wont some duck's or gease i can save you some...egg's or i hav lot's of hevy breed hen's r.i.r bar.rock's buff's

wow I have never hatched geese or duck! If you want to save me some of all that for POOPs I will take all you got!

OK I will bring you some....
Don't break my heart!

My achey breaky heart!

(all while wearing daisy dukes and halter tops!)

Should I shave or wax?



I say shave because it is less painfull. Make sure to wear you boots so you can really slide with your moves.

Teach it is all about being Natural!!!! I am wearing a to-to (spelling?) with cowboy boots and tube top!!


STOP! I can't stand this uncontrollable laughter I am experiencing!
What city limits are you located within? Have you checked the city code to see what it actually says? If it actiually says only two chickens without any provision for a distinction between acreages and "lots", I suggest approaching the city council and asking for a variance from the code for your property.
I was at the auction, but I didn't stay... just came by about 4:30 and dropped some stuff off. I wish I would have known that you were going to be there... I would have said hi!
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Got in from Durant auction this morning at 7am, No time to sleep. If you were in the market to buy hatching eggs or chicks this would have been the night. Hatching eggs were from 65 cents to 3.75 a dozen. The most expensive were 4 dz of Cuckoo Marans. Baby chicks were averaging 75 cents breed made no difference. I did pickup some Egyptian chicks. Now waiting to see if all roosters. The bird night was not much better. Grown hens were only bringing 9.50 avg while roosters were bringing 5.50. Alot of the birds were not in the best condition. Bantams were a different story. They were averaging 15.00 each except for just roosters 6.00 was average. They started selling eggs at 8:00 but did start selling birds until 10:30. Overall it was a good sale.

Rememeber there is no auction in Blanchard until May 8th.

Hope to see everyone next weekend at POOPS
What city limits are you located within? Have you checked the city code to see what it actually says? If it actiually says only two chickens without any provision for a distinction between acreages and "lots", I suggest approaching the city council and asking for a variance from the code for your property.

Just ran up to the city police to get a copy of the ordinance. It says "No person or household shall own, have, maintain, harbor, or allow, more than two of any type of animal, at any time except as follows:

1. A person or household shall be allowed to keep and maintain the offspring of said animals for only so long as necessary to raise, wean and remove said offspring. All offspring shall be promptly removed at the earliest possible time after weaning. If any question exists concerning whether any offspring have, or should have been, weaned and/or removed, such final determination shall be reasonably made by the appointed health officer of the City, or in his absence, by the City Manager.

2. Businesses which have as their primary business the breeding, raising and selling of animals, may operate, have, own, possess, and maintain more than two allowed animals of any type, PROVIDED said business is located in an area zoned for that type of business (which shall not include any type of residential zoning); and provided that said business has applied to, and received, a permit therefore from the City of Cleveland; and provided that the City of Cleveland, in issuing such permit, may limit the number of animals, by type, species or number, which said business may have or maintain.
So when did fowl become animals ? Unless chickens are mentioned in the ordinances I don't see where anything applies to them,or any other type of fowl. To carry it farther, what if you put in a catfish pond ? Would the City try and tell you they are animals too and try to limit you to two fish.
I think if you have 15 acres it might be zoned different than a town lot also , worth checking into.
Ask to see the definitions section of the code. Split Socket makes a point, chickens may or may not be among the definitions of "animals"
Wow! That is strict to only be allowed two cats or two dogs. Do I have to count the walk up cats at my house or only the ones that I deliberately acquired?

The City ordinances are open records and they may charge you a copy fee to make you a copy of the ordinances, but it would be worth it to have a copy of the entire sections dealing with zoning, animals, agriculture, and fines.

Do you know your city representative? Is Cleveland a "high rent" district like Nichols Hills is in OKC, where you aren't even allowed to park a pickup truck in front of your house?
So now I need to go back, oh they are going to love there at the police department, not. They are already starting to get aggravated, because I am not happy that they are not really doing anything about this guy. But yes, I think it is extreme to only allow two animals of any kind. But the funny thing is, they don't count cats. They said because of the fact of them roaming. But chickens do count?

I wouldn't think Cleveland is a "high rent" district. It is a podunk town in the middle of no where an hour away from Tulsa. You can park a truck anywhere, and apparently it is all right for my neighbor to park his truck/old junker car in the middle of his yard along with his falling apart tractors that are all rusted up (they say they are decorations), oh this is still that County Commissioner. He even has two falling apart campers sitting on his property along with a pond with no fence around it. Does anybody know about some sort of regulations about having a pond in city limits and needing a fence around it? I am pretty certain that is a code violation or should be for safety reasons of young children. And I am not talking about a small water feature.
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