Okies in the BYC The Original

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Howdy folks

Kate sounds like you have had better days...sorry to hear that

Auctionlover - Egyptians you say...no Roy you have enough...

Well...the lesson went well tonight. Read about half dozen Native American Creation stories and such...it was neat. Did y'all know that there is a Seminole story about angels wearing white and having wings. Lots of other niffty things

I gots birds hatching!!!! No...I don't know what they are
If you both owned the property and had chickens when the property was annexed by the city, then you are grandfathered in. You might need an affidavit or 2 from some neighbors stating that you had chickens before. It might even apply if you have been renting the place that long, but I don't know your circumstances.

Good luck, oh and did I hear something about "soggy-bottom girls", tube tops, and shaving?!!

Oh yea, Lt Brahma 3 day olds, about 3 wk old blue/blue wheaton Ameraucanas, and some really weird looking birds my wife is adding to the flock.


Evening ya'll. Really they are Nigerian Dwarf goat kids. We got more including mamas and a young buck but I didn't figure that you guys would be interested in those.
Hello Barn.

Prayers are with you, Jason and kids. You must have the patience of Job and the strength of Sampson to do what you do.

You know that Peaches and I love you guys.


We love you guys too! I have a great pic of "hot Dog" and Brooklynn together from Easter will have to get a copy to you...

Hello back to everyone...Looking forward to POOPS and hope not to be to POOPED out.... It has been 9 years since I had a baby baby in the house that wants to wake me every 3 hours, but with this little one its so worth it. She is so precious and tiny and thrives on being held.... Hope to share a great pic of her soon until then I gotta keep the kids to myself.. and not share... ha ha.... just kidding...

BTW thank you all for keeping us and especially our 2 Special friends in your prayers they surely need it.

Hello everyone!

Done alot of housework today... Helped a friend shampoo the carpet in her car that she is trying to sell..... We went and had dinner at a local mexican restraunt, service sucked worse than ever...

Beautiful day today... Lots of sunshine... Weather man says we are going to get more rain tonight and tomorrow, we will see...

Kate, Hate to hear about the chickens. I think that they are really think that the law may refer to dogs, and such... Maybe you should let your chickens roam around like cats!
Codes regarding swimming pools and ponds will vary from city to city. If there is no "rule" on the books then the only prohibition is your own common sense or your insurance company if you want liability insurance in case some kid falls in the pond and drowns, since some court cases have held that an unfenced pool and/or pond is an "attractive nuisance" and the owner can be held liable for damages if someone is injured, even though they were technically trespassing to go into the pool/pond.

I would think that the codes would be available in the city clerk's office, so you wouldn't have to bother the police again.

If they don't enforce the two animal rule against cats, then are cats specifically exempted from the definition of "animal"? you really need a copy of the definition section in the part of the code dealing with animals and with agriculture. There may actually be a different definition section for different areas of the rules.
Hey Ka-Ben those are really cute gots. Are the black ones pgymys or nigerian? I've had a lot of pgymys but would like to try the nigerians now. Or maybe the fainters if I could get them in the small size.

Hey Teach I had chicks hatch today to. Only mine were under a hen. She did pretty good.10 out of 12

I did my mapquest for the poops trip. It says 10 hrs.56 minutes! 712 miles! Make about 3 pit stops for fuel and 1 for chicken delivery tha would make it about 13 hrs. If this ain't an addiction I don't know what it is!lol
Good evening everyone. My first batch of the season didn't go so well. I ended up with 10 eggs that made it to lockdown. I have 5 babies. I just moved the second batch to the hatcher. There are 12 duck eggs (5 Rouen & 7 Rouen x Pekin x Rouen mixes), 18 RIR mixes, and 30 Coturnix quail. In one incubator, I still have 40 Coturnix due 5/9 and 28 RIR mixes due 5/12. In the other incubator, I have 11 RIR mixes due 5/1, 8 ducks (4 each Rouens and Rouen x Pekin x Rouen mix), 17 Seramas due 5/8. and 6 RIR mixes due 5/12. Hopefully these next hatches will be better. I'm waiting for the incubator temps to level out, then I'm headed to bed. Actually, they should be pretty good by now, so I'm just gonna say goodnight now. Can't wait to see all of ya'll.
i was hoping teach was on so i could give him a hard time about the fish again.i been busy but the kids been catchin them.they got 12 last night an 10 tonight.dont think i will ever get tired of eatin them
Hey all : I just got in from work and got allot done at the jobsite today, sorry I don't have time to visit just head to bed and pass out, 5:00am comes way to quick but the good news is only 2 more days left on this one and I am outta there.

Wow, small world. You probably don't remember me with all the customers you have. I was in my army uniform and drove a white pick up. I found your ad on craigslist. This would have been around the November time frame.
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