Okies in the BYC The Original

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Oh YAY~!!!

Not much going on in these late night adventures huh?

NO, Im still up trying to get a load of laundry into the dryer.

Laundry... thanks for the reminder....

I just don't want to go to bed... it's covered in all sorts of things.
Uh Oh.... You got to go there at some point..... Just shove it in the floor til morning..lol.

I forgot i had 2 loads of laundry that needed to be washed tonight. The kids kind of complain if they have to drip dry because there are no towels. I cant decide if i need more towels or less kids!
I think Im headed to bed. my other half just came to check on me so it must be that time. We go to bed together, now if we could just figure out how to fall asleep at the same time. I think I need to remove the TV from the bedroom, it might help.

Hey everyone, She called me a spring chicken. I think she is wanting something or she just doesn't realise that I am old enough to be her grandpaw.

OK, what do you want lil' girl??? Just don't ask for candy.
Evening Steph and Stray, how are you 2 doing tonight? I see that you guys made TV, I have to watch it later when I have the time. Do you know who ended up with the eggs I sent to POOPS? Hope all is well with you guys. Tell Carl hello for me.
I just got off the phone with tech support for the wireless router. After 20 minutes on hold and 40 minutes of talking to a very patient young man, my wireless is up and running, my laptop can find it, but my son's laptop, which is a Mac running Windows Vista, can't find the wireless. After my laptop was set up , I handed the phone to my son since I am not familiar with his laptop and despite many typing of codes and PINs and checking the internet on the desktop for more codes and stuff - the technician suggested he call Apple.

At least I can now sit on the couch with the laptop and chat with y'all.
I will.

I think a few different people got your eggs and I dont know who, sorry.

Hey ya'll.

Ke-Ben, Peaches got a dozen of your eggs.

We went to Texas today and saw Glen and Beckie about a business venture. Long drive, especially when you start the drive tired.

Time for bed. I have to go back to work tomorrow after having been off for the past 7 days. Retirement can't come too soon. Night all.
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