Okies in the BYC The Original

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Good Morning Everyone...
What a wet night we had here.... pretty wind in my direction and lost a few more shingles off the roof(not surprised) yesterday we lost another mallard duckling which left us with 1 left from the Hatchery order we did prior to poops... wont know if the last remaining one made it through the night if not it will be a while before I order baby ducklings again

Have one of our bronze turkeys go Broody on us and she refuses to leave the nest... now going on 3 days... I went in to check on her and she growled at me and hurt my feelings..
little girl was found playing in the creek, down from her house. heard she has a sore butt right now.
got a bunch of storms at Ada, looks like they have taken aim on us here in Muskogee. Sooner, we had a little wind damage, but we live in a valley, wind from the south is funneled up it at us if it comes out of the south.
we live 3 miles south of Hancock, and a 1/2 mile east of 3 mile road..
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little girl was found playing in the creek, down from her house. heard she has a sore butt right now.
got a bunch of storms at Ada, looks like they have taken aim on us here in Muskogee. Sooner, we had a little wind damage, but we live in a valley, wind from the south is funneled up it at us if it comes out of the south.
we live 3 miles south of Hancock, and a 1/2 mile east of 3 mile road..

Thank you for the update!
little girl was found playing in the creek, down from her house. heard she has a sore butt right now.
got a bunch of storms at Ada, looks like they have taken aim on us here in Muskogee. Sooner, we had a little wind damage, but we live in a valley, wind from the south is funneled up it at us if it comes out of the south.
we live 3 miles south of Hancock, and a 1/2 mile east of 3 mile road..


I am so happy to hear she is safe. I was worried last night when the storm was coming in.
Not sure about your part of Oklahoma, but central Oklahoma has rain predicited on and off all week. Of course, anytime I move new chicks, the weather seems to make a drastic change - whether predicted or not. (wonder if that would work in the middle of the summer when I wouldn't mind a 20 degree drop in temperature at night?

We will have to try that when it gets really hot!!

Tulsa was hit pretty hard with stright line wind, some reports are saying 90mph. Most of the schools are shut down with power outages. We must of gotten some wind but I was so tired I didn't hear or know anything.
Morning Okie friends!
Going to be hot here today,close to 90. I'll be staying inside! Did go out and plant two more rows of peaches and creme corn. Put some pie pans in the garden to scare the rabbits and birds away.
Down to one broody hen,hopeing another goes to setting soon.
Have the first of the white rock/buff rock bantams hatched,they are stout little guys.One of my new modena pigeons has layed already.
I knew a guy that had an albino raccoon and then when it died he had it mounted.
I have also seen an albino squirrel and an albino skunk. Can't wait to see the pictures.
I don't know what causes it but you can hobble them to fix it.

Thank you for the prayers, I am alittle tired but I will make it. I got home earlier last night so I did get some sleep. Grandma is still having alot of stuff done, she had to have blood this morning but hopefully they are going to get her lined out soon.
Morning Okies. I haven't been on in awhile and just wanted to make sure that everyone is alright. I've had no time to even read and just heard about the earlier storms yesterday. Doesn't look like I going to have any free time soon either so best of luck to everyone (and prayers) and have a great day. Sooner, sounds like you got something going on so

Take care everybody!
I think the most common cause is unstable footing. They must have good traction to get their legs under them properly. Newspaper, some wood, and paper toweling or any other thing used as the brooder flooring can be too slick; flooring has to have a fairly rough texture. In splay legs, their legs usually go out to the sides and they look like they are swimming. This is easily fixed with hobbles. If one of their legs is held fairly straight out to the back or one side, that's a completely different thing. Some chicks/keets are hatched with rotated femurs, for which there is no cure save surgery. A third fairly common leg problem is a slipped Achilles tendon, but in this, the affected leg is generally held up, in a bent position. If both tendons have slipped, the chick will more or less walk on it's bent knees. This is a curable situation IF it is from an injury rather than a congenital deformity.

It's my undertanding that most leg problems are caused by vitamin deficiencies in the hens.
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