Okies in the BYC The Original

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Kate, that is wonderful news. I am so happy for you and your family. Hopefully things will get better around the neighborhood also.
hello everyone i have no internet at home for awhile US celluler wanted to charge me $186 for 1 month servive.so im lookin for a new provider.if anyones lookin for some americanas i have lots of them about 70 6 week olds that are fully feathered an 14 more dozin hatchin with in a week or aliitle more.pm i check my messages every couple days hope everyone is enjoying the weather.
Michael Daugherty said his internet is acting up again so he is unable to post. He was on his way to Blanchard.

I spent 35 minutes with my internet provider'a tech support the first time this morning and another 40 minutes this afternoon. Ended up signing up for tech support from the internet provider for the wireless router since I was tired of talking to two tech support groups when the wireless went down (only $$$$ right?
), but hopefully, everything is up and running again. Now, I need a nap.
Hello all, am still VERY new to the site and trying to find my way around so if I've posted this in the wrong place, mods please correct. I am looking for several good or show quality frizzled cochin bantams in the Okc metro area and more specifically eastern Oklahoma county. Red or black would be preferred but would also consider white. Don't have to be chicks but we would like young birds. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Please PM me with any details and have a great weekend.

Hey everyone,

I just had my first EGG sale (outside of friends) a few moments ago.... They drove from LAWTON! I sold 2 18count cartons and made $6 bucks! Now I am going to be a smart business lady and tithe 10% save 10% and use the rest towards Feed Expenses!!
I am so eggcited... they said if they like them they will take orders...

Anyhow no Blanchard for us... we are going to work on the Keeping Room and I may go back outside and put some more pallet boards up for my "picket fence"... Its started to slowly take the shape of a fence and Jason was even surprized at how well its turning out( I think its because he doesnt think I can do it...seriously we have been together since I was 15 .... and if he dont know me by now.... he will never ever know me.... whooo whoooo(insert Simply Red Song there)

Stew - this is the place to post so that all your Okie friends can see what you are looking for and try to assist you in locating said frizzled bantam cochins. It may take some time for folks to see your request, so in the meantime, you might consider sending a PM to SJarvis00, OkCarla, Buckguy20 (Monty), Queen Peaches and reading the signature line of folks who post what breeds they raise to see if any raise frizzled cochin bantams. I will send you the phone number of Michael Daugherty also, since he attends a lot of auctions so he sees a lot of birds. There are other folks who are more likely to know about cochins than I do, but I wanted to get you started with some of our key "enablers" for Central Oklahoma
Congratulations on the egg sale! That means 1) the hens are laying well and 2) you have an excuse to acquire more hens!

as to your pallet fence, I suspect that you can do just about anything you can think of - given sufficient time

will be praying for all of you and if you need ANYTHING let us know- dave was in the navy for 23 years, lots of separations, takes very special folks to endure it... and my heart goes out to you guys- i think in those 23 years, half the time he was gone.
Is it me or has our thread been almost totally dead lately ???????????????????? shoot if we keep this up kentucky or Michigan will pass us up ............ LOL

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