Okies in the BYC The Original

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I concur, "Amazing!". Wow!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Hello everyone. I will be traveling through Oklahoma on June 6th. I was wondering if anyone would like some of my baby chicks or quail. I still have one duckling on the ground also. Most of the chicks are RIR, but there are some mixes and most of them are hard to tell apart. I have some Coturnix quail babies and some mixed quail babies. I NEED to get rid of all the babies because the young ones are in my house. The dander is literally making me sick. The doctor believes that there is something causing severe problems with my lungs and it is most likely the chicks. So I need to downsize the number of chicks until they can all fit in the outside brooder. I am currently on meds that cost $100/week just to be able to breathe. I can spend all day at work (12+ hours) and not have a problem breathing, but 10 minutes of being home and I can't breathe. I have been spending a lot of time working on the other house and it doesn't bother my breathing. If I stay in my bedroom all day, I don't have a problem. The brooder is in my living room, so when I'm home, I spend a lot of time near it. I will deliver to distances that are reasonably close to the highway. I will be headed from home to Tulsa. I can't keep them with me in Tulsa, because I will be staying at a hotel all week. If anyone want some of these babies, send me a pm.
Well, I have temporarily gotten caught up. I had the pleasure of meeting Carla and Gerald on Sunday. Bought a bunch of chicks and some chickens (bantams). It is a good thing my husband was with me or it would have been free for all. Between my daughter and I we were in love with all of her birds. I had a limit on what to spend and still went over it. Oops. lol We really enjoyed our visit with them.
So now I have eggs in the incubator and chicks in the brooder.

So far we haven't had the snake problem some of you are having. But I also have a million cats. Anyone want some kittens??

I have EXACTLY the same breathing problems from chicken dust... $122 for inhaler and meds to stop my cough..still can't breathe. The inhaler gives me laryngitis and thrush in my mouth. No matter how clean I keep the chickens, I just can't be around them. I'm making a place to move some outside. I hope to have it ready after this weekend (maybe).
@ BetsyOK

You're welcome.
No, we haven't been as of yet but we are definitely going to have to make a trip there.
The construction of our home started sooner than we originally thought. Soooo, we have been home bound.
But, we have no complaints. We are so excited to get construction started.

lol - we are dreading the varmint traffic during construction. The snakes we have seen thus far were before the construction started. Yikes!
HOW COOL !!!!! Pulled up the picture and that's what
it is/was..... POO, wish they hadn't killed it. Says
Eastern Glass Lizard....are they common around

Hope Teach doesn't even catch wind of this. I know
he'd want one for his class. Maybe we can find
another one.

Thanks for the info !!!! Have a good one !

I have EXACTLY the same breathing problems from chicken dust... $122 for inhaler and meds to stop my cough..still can't breathe. The inhaler gives me laryngitis and thrush in my mouth. No matter how clean I keep the chickens, I just can't be around them. I'm making a place to move some outside. I hope to have it ready after this weekend (maybe).

The price of prescriptions is just outrageous. I got 7 pills, take them 1 a day, and it cost me $119. I am also on OTC allergy meds per his request. I have to go back to the doctor next Tuesday and if I'm not better, he wants to get chest xrays and bloodwork. If that doesn't show anything he wants to do more in depth testing. Yeah, I can't wait!
It probably would be cheaperto build new pens, but I have to concentrate on building my house right now. I haven't even started on the pens yet. I need to get it done.
It probably would be cheaperto build new pens, but I have to concentrate on building my house right now. I haven't even started on the pens yet. I need to get it done.

Chickens are not legal where I live...My belief is that they are legal as long as nobody knows about them.
Top o the Morning to ya Lady. (Irish accent)

Guten Tag. (German accent)

Worm the chicken and then let them eat.

ok, so that would be wazine?? have never wormed any of mine-

spent the morning working on pens- sheesh! talk about expansion- my teenager chicks aren't ready to integrate- i have one silky who i got from peaches who either gets really picked on, or if i move her to the other pen is the aggressor...go figure-

she's not afraid of the big guys, but they sure are trying to figure her out


so i have my first little flock(duccle, cohin/ee hen/ silky roo, mopsy disabled silky roo), then the cochin and my two teenager silkies in seperate areas, then lucy the redhead silky by herself who the brahma roo has a crush on, but mopsy gets along with her so i may put those two together.... and jewel the rehabber is almost ready to put with the teenager chicks, will that work if they are all the same size and age? does this sound like a soap opera or what??? then we moved the duckling grow out cage with two ducklings and poser the gosling, and the other two ducks are facinated with them!
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