Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning everyone,

Any how, our chicks came in this morning and it appears our "free" chick is a Partridge Cochin.... anyhow I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend if they have one and remember to thank a vet today and have a moment of silence for those that are no longer here.

Robin, I would probably give her a 1/2 cc Shot of Tylan 50 or LA 200 to fight infection at least every other day for a few days.

would duramycin work, thats all i have on hand right now- i cut the feathers around it today, she seems pretty oblivious to it, put more neosporin on it- figure they will be away from the main flock till it heals- loks like someone tried to 'fillet' her....

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend.
We're doing absolutely nuthin' and lovin' it !!!
I even fixed a big turkey yesterday and don't
even plan to go in the kitchen today.....LOL

Safe travel wishes to all that are out and about.
I'm a chicken when it comes to holiday traffic.
It has been constant out here in front of the
house. We did venture out to Wally World
Saturday afternoon and bought a new TV.
That was enough for me........LOL Netflix
delivered movies Friday, so the guys are
under control........

Have a good one !
Went to Graemont Binger an Spring creek cemetry. Lot's of people out mor than last yr. I think with all that's going on in the world mor people see wat is really important
in LIFE. Some people go thew life in vein an never find wat ther looking for, It's sad to see all the boy's an girl's that died to keep are country [ FREE ]
We all have alot to be thankful for on this day...

I totally agree !!! My Dad is buried on the west
side of the big pavilion at Floral Haven at
Broken Arrow that they show each year up
here in NE OK. They have a major program,
the donated casket flags from families fly
up and down each walkway throughout,
and flags at each marker. I haven't managed
to part with his flag or dog-tags yet, but
will be done later.

I took these kids to the war memorial at OKC
while Pa-Pa was in the NPIP class last year
and they helped me find the names of the
7 boys that were from my class that died in
Viet Nam.

It's important for our young folks to know
how/why they're free to "hopefully" give it
their best shot and help hold this poor old
fort together.

Thanks to all of our Veterans that have served
before and that are serving now.
Having a family reunion in Gore this coming weekn none of my family is from ther but they like the place.
Cant make it to this one. Cement chicken auction is this weekn to an i cant mis it my neighbor is selling out of all his O.E's an some pecock's an i missed the last one. The first time in to yr's. Poop's was on the same day. So i had some of my frind's by me some bird's an pickd thim up on sunday.
Iv ben out watering the bird's algea is geting bad in the bowl's an ther hard to clean. The nat's wer bad eating on the bird's but most have gone away the one's with the top not was the worst. I had a buf polish hen they wer realy eating on an i put skin so soft on her it seemd to help,, Got to go wer going fishing at lake birch something i dont no how to spell it but it's between verden an chickasha...
Anyone who is into exotics needs to look on Tulsa craigslist. Someone has a young yak and a young water buffalo on there. The price isn't bad for those exotics.Which I had the extra and a place I'd sure like to have them.Why? Just because!lol.

Went with one of my pigeon buddys today to visit anothert pigeon flyer. Got to see lots of performing rollers fly and also brought home two pair to add to my flock.

Have another hen hatch today and a few hatch in the bator so I gave them all to the hen. Got my first turken babys(bantams) hatched,they are only half but have naked necks so thats good. I'm ready for dry summer to get here and be done with muggy,humid hot weather.

My dad's gonna kill me...

But, I just can't seem to help it...

I've got 7 chicks in the brooder....
2 dzn going into the bator...
1 dzn +2 coming soon...
Just to let you know....
I'm going to have birds for sale before the next POOPS rolls around.
Pigeon's roller's are my fav. Okla-doodle-do...Stray wat breed's of bird's are you hatchn.....
Stinky Puddle Ranch good to see you guy's . My sister inlaw checkd the egg's today that Stimpy gave me an they lookd good so we will have some white rock's soon...
If any one living in caddo co. that would like a nice rabbit to show my sister inlaw is giving some away nice show bunny's to promote the rabbit show in this co.
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