Okies in the BYC The Original

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Donna - So sorry that you're having to look
at this option for the house. I'd try making
some calls to the "house moving" people in
your yellow pages and see if any of them
would be interested. Or possibly call a
salvage building materials place and see
if/when they might want to handle tearing
it down for you and, just might, pay you
a fee for the materials.

Beyond that, we had an old double wide mobile
home north of our place where we wanted to
build the flight pens. We called our local
volunteer fire department and they were more
than anxious to come out, bring their trucks
and their newer firefighters, and make a
"training session" out of burning it.

Wayne - Hey, save me some hollyhock seed
in any of the purple, orangish and yellow.
I love those things and my orange cannas
in a long skinny flower bed down a fence
have pooped out.

Have a good one !
@ Buster52
Now, that is a setup.
We are working on processing our own chickens as well.
We were wondering, "How do we get our hands on one of those funnel holders?"; that setup is so much cleaner.
(we currently attached the funnels to a 2x4) And do you know of a good place to get a good defeather'?

We are also saving up for a defeather'. I have done it the "old fashioned way" and man oh man, the chasing of the chicken, ringing it's neck, dipping in hot water then hand-plucking... is too much for me these days; I had enough of those with my Grandmother. lol So we are wanting a more efficient way.

I hear ya on that last!

He got all his equipment from Featherman, at least the stuff he didn't build himself. The scalder and plucker you can get here: http://www.featherman.net/

from the same place or from here: http://cgi.ebay.com/Chicken-Poultry-Killing-Restraining-Processing-Cones-/160338438376

me know if you want his contact information for the rental deal.
Evening all! The rain finally got here! temp dropped about 20 degrees in thirty minutes. Its nice now.

Have two more broodys hatching. Another is starting to go broody!I like the later hatching bunches. Seems the later summer batches do the best.

Gottcha NaNa on the hollyhocks! I collected the different colors tonight and took a pic ,I'll send you you a pick. I have 9 colors so far.
Howdy Wayne! The rain finally got here tonight too. we just got water restriction notices yesterday. Glad to hear your birds a doing better. We just added bantam naked necks to our flock, they are really cool, if you like that sort of thing. teach says they are gross, but what does he know?
Garden lime is safe. It is crushed Limestone.

What you want to avoid is the lime used by builders which is called Slaked Lime I believe, it's very caustic.

I think I may Be In T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

I had a couple friends who aquired eggs from P.O.O.P.S. They wanted me to put them in one of my Incubators, so I did. I finished filling the bator with some of my eggs. so I just picked out a few of my free range eggs.

The first one to hatch out of the first batch was A Black Naked Neck.
Cute as a bug! Hi- Jacker didnt thinks so!

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The Necked neck hens we have are very good layers. I think that most people just think they are UGLY! I like them. I call my 5, my little golden girls.
Hey Doc congrats on the nn bantams! I had my first chicks hatch this week,they are only half breed but two have nn. I have a beautiful RIR colored young roo that TJ's Bill got for me. I will use him as soon as he matures. The bantam nn seem to be great setters too!
So have you and your wife gotten any new critters? My olest(1 1/2 ) taco dog had her litter of two. Only one survived. She is doing real good. I've found a male (intact) mini donkey for $50 now if I can just talk the wife into it. Wonder how hard they are to hide!LOL
Doc ,have some questions for you. How big a deal is it ti neuter(I know thats the wrong term for equines) a mini donkey. Is there a certain time of the year it has to be done . Will it gentle one down that much . I'm new to donkeys so not for sure ig haveing a stud one is that big of a deal or not. I would like to breed some eventually but wonnder if it would be less hassel or safer to let someone else maintain a male and just use it when needed.
we added a flock of geese and 6 ducks, our dachshund female is in heat and our boy is once again in love! Give us 60 days or so and we'll have some more new additions. Donkeys are easy for me to "geld" but it really depends on the individual animal. They can be real nice or they can be real dangerous. If they are imprinted young and well halter broke its no problem. It costs about $140 around here if you take them to a vet and its done while you wait. The only way I'll do it is with anesthesia but old timers like my dad would rope them down and cut them fully awake and mad. I don't see the point because I have ways to make them sleep and wake up a little sore with no clue as to who just took away their pride. summer here is a bad time to castrate any equine beast the heat is real hard on them they lose the ability to regulate their body temps when sedated and just tend to bleed more when its hot I like to do it in spring or fall. If you want my opinion the only good donkey isn't intact, let someone else deal with those guys they aren't usually good pets. I like donkeys that behave themselves though. Its kinda strange you ask about this we lost our old farm donkey today she had a heck of a run she was probably 30 or so and was the shape of a hippo. Let me know if I can help you out any more we are in goat country here and we see lots of them because people use them to guard goats and sheep.
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