Okies in the BYC The Original

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What do you call the outside of a hand gren-egg?

The bombshell.

Tee hee

Hope everyone is well one of our girls died today
the other day snickers died I am not what is up this one today was really droopy the last few days which I thought was the heat but the other chickens are sure up and at em...

May she rest in peace

welcome all new eggs...

Sorry about your loss JEANNIE.... Maybe its the weather? Seems to me last year
we all had some problems with the heat... This is our flocks first year in runs..
I hope I dont miss anything as it gets warmer.
That is what the virus does. It hijacks your browser and always takes you to their site where of course for a fee they will sell what you need to fix what they caused!

Our company uses Symantec's Norton Corporate Edition and it works for our customers but I am not sure what the best off the shelf one is. I personally use the Malwarebytes mainly and occassionally I will run SpyBot Search and Destroy to fix things but since I get the NCE free I use it for protection. Don't feel bad last month I had to spend over four hours cleaning two stations at our office. One was a developer and the other was a hardware tech and they both knew better than to click on the link because we had just sent a memo out to our customers about the danger.
Just don't depend on Windows defender.
Grace'sDad :

That is what the virus does. It hijacks your browser and always takes you to their site where of course for a fee they will sell what you need to fix what they caused!

Our company uses Symantec's Norton Corporate Edition and it works for our customers but I am not sure what the best off the shelf one is. I personally use the Malwarebytes mainly and occassionally I will run SpyBot Search and Destroy to fix things but since I get the NCE free I use it for protection. Don't feel bad last month I had to spend over four hours cleaning two stations at our office. One was a developer and the other was a hardware tech and they both knew better than to click on the link because we had just sent a memo out to our customers about the danger.
Just don't depend on Windows defender.

I learned a trick from our city IT guru...

If all else fails, create a new user, set it as an administrator, transfer your important files to the Shared folders, and delete the old user.​
That is what the virus does. It hijacks your browser and always takes you to their site where of course for a fee they will sell what you need to fix what they caused!

Our company uses Symantec's Norton Corporate Edition and it works for our customers but I am not sure what the best off the shelf one is. I personally use the Malwarebytes mainly and occassionally I will run SpyBot Search and Destroy to fix things but since I get the NCE free I use it for protection. Don't feel bad last month I had to spend over four hours cleaning two stations at our office. One was a developer and the other was a hardware tech and they both knew better than to click on the link because we had just sent a memo out to our customers about the danger.
Just don't depend on Windows defender.

I learned a trick from our city IT guru...

If all else fails, create a new user, set it as an administrator, transfer your important files to the Shared folders, and delete the old user.

Right about now, I am wishing that I had subscribed to the computer backup service that BethinOklahoma's company provides. I also wish I were computer literate enough to create a new user and transfer files. We have several user accounts on the computer already. Can I use any of them? I can't find the internet on that computer. This is no fun.
Stupid computer. If it were a chicken it would be a CBOF
Not that I have found but the N.E. states are strict but not like Ca.

Like here if you break down you pull off on the shoulder until you are running again. In Ca. you pull right of the shoulder as that is the emergency lane for official use only.

I think that this law stemmed from when they had the huge traffic jams before the big interstates were built out there.

Every state has it's little things that they do, the D.O.T. regs are thousands of pages long and every state interpets them differently.
Hey all :

Just got in and my dinner is now heating in the oven, DW is slackin these day's LOL, I am wore smooth out after leaving the house at 6:00 am and it's now...... well kinda late. Haven't had much time time to post, burnin the candle at both end's and don't know how long an ole boy can keep this pace up. Been missin Ya'll anything interesting goin on ??.

TJ's Na-Na :

Kenny Kvittum (Langshanman) is having auctions
the second Saturday of each month at Chouteau.
We haven't been to one yet, but will be soon.
We have GOT TO bring this bird situation back
under control.

I don't know the exact address, but it's held
in the previous auction building, (white concrete
block building on the south side of Old Hwy 33,
just about a mile east of Hwy 69 in the southern
end of Chouteau.

I know Kenny has been on vacation up north
for a couple of weeks. Will see if I can find
out for sure that he's home and that the
auction is on for this month and the rest of the

Have a good one !

Well........I got closer than I usually do....LOL
Someone else is actually having the auctions,
but Kenny will be the auctioneer. AND, the
auctions are on SUNDAY AFTERNOON instead
of Saturday....the SECOND SUNDAY OF THE
MONTH.....The auction starts at 1:00 p.m.,
and the cages "go with the birds".

They do have the "junk" sale outside and
have been doing that first, but Kenny has
campaigned that they go inside under fans
and tend the poultry early. So..............
we will probably try to go this weekend and
see how it goes.

Have a good one !​
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