Okies in the BYC The Original

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WOW, all of you in central Oklahoma, be sooooo
careful in all that water !!!! Those rainfall totals
are unbelievable. They have had a lot of rain
in Tulsa and several roads closed, but not like
the totals from Oklahoma City.

Is cloudy and grey here, but no rain yet. Will
be a good day to fire up the oven and bake
banana bread.........tons of banana bread.
A friend of Pa-Pas "blessed"(?) me with just
shy of a CASE of bananas............ Will reserve
my "thank you" until I see just how big a
mess this becomes......LOL

Have a load of game chickens hatching today
for a friend of Bill's and then HE IS ACTUALLY
GONNA UNPLUG IT !!!!!!!!!!

Have a good one !
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Starting to rain here, everyone is i lockdown except the guineas and the waterfowl- who are loving this, did they get the lady out?? the guinea hens are broody in the hills, hope they won't wash away!
I'm here - late as usual to welcome new Chicken Okies!

- where are you?

Chicks & Chihuahuas
- I'm in Tulsa, too!

Hey krissieschickies - where are you?

Na-Na - do you think Bill is serious about unplugging that 'bator? Banana bread sounds good!

It is still coming down a little bit here - have a few roads closed due to flooding but nothing like the OKC area. Stay safe everyone that may have to drive home through the river.

Last night as I was driving back from TX my Dad called from the Panhandle to let me know he was watching tornadoes - guess they had some out there but no damage to their place in Beaver. Did you get anything Teach? Dad said it knocked a grainery and some other stuff down at Bryan's Corner yesterday morning.
Still coming down cats and dogs here in Lawton. Took a long break to run down and check on my poults, make sure they weren't drowning in it.

Not a drop.

Storms forming a semicircle around Geronimo, and none of it hitting the ground there. I guess the line has to start somewhere, but geeze, a mile from my house?? Come on!

Had a great weekend for birds. At Blanchard, picked up some more Wellsummers and Cuckoo Marans chicks to add to my lot, and several turkeys. Then, bought a couple of nice Buckeye cockerels from bfrancis, to try out for a sustainable DP meat bird, maybe add their bloodline to my DC.

Then on Sunday, headed over to Mike D.'s place to check out some meat birds there and learn from the master. Fell in love with the ginormous Freedom Rangers he has (btw, Mike, I decided I want all of the remaining Rangers plus the Red Broiler... don't forget to ask that guy where he got that Red). Learned a bunch of stuff and got some great ideas for cage systems... like for instance placing the feeder and waterer between to pens so birds from both can partake through the bars without beating the p out of each other. Implemented that one immediately upon returning home. Thanks for the great info, Mike! Very nice setup you have.

After that, headed on over to Hi-Jacker and Peaches place to visit, look around, pick up yet more birds (for FREE!!! Can't beat that price!) and frighten their children.

Well, child. Doc, tell Montana that mean man with the squirt gun is sorry for making him cry.

Anyway, birds everywhere! Does my heart good seeing birds enjoying the outdoors like that. Also quite a setup you guys have. Very impressive

Anyway, a great weekend all around.
Thanks for the welcome everyone!

I will most certainly be coming here to help fuel my addiction
I have not tried hatching any myself, as I have my hands quite full with all of my other "addictions" (and that whole "job" thing) but someday would like to give it a try. My new kids hatched and shipped today, so they should be here by Wed!

Right now I'm off to grocery shop in the rain for my classes the next 2 nights (Irun a cooking school and I teach). Why does it always seem to be pouring when I have lots of groceries to haul around? At this rate the lobsters I'm cooking up tomorrow may as well just swim here! Hope everyone is staying safe and dry in this mess!!!
I don't have room or fencing for fifty Buck GOATS and it would take a whole lot more money to get that particular Gamecock!!!! I will hopefully have some chicks out of him and two red hens (Hatch I think) soon and they may be for sale later!!! Thanks for the compliment though!!!! Lynn

I would give you 50buck;s for him Lynn.
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Hey everyone, just thought I would see how everyone is doing? Hoping everyone is safe in OKC area!! We are going to thin down our flock for a while keeping a few for eggs so I the rest will be going to the sale this weekend. We are in the process of looking for a lake house and if it works out we will be moving here pretty soon!!
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