Okies in the BYC The Original

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Grace - Sounds Super !!! Now, deep breath and
know..........you're looking at hassle, hassle, and
a little more hassle...... Tell 'em twice...and then
holler.....HELP !!! You'll do super, just hold your

Okie - That baby is adorable !!!!! But, nope...
she ain't got a chance.......... You think she's
spoiled now???????.....LOL

Al - Anxious to hear that you've gotten an
answer and that it's good news for all of you.

Teach - Welcome home !!! You've been missed.
The guys are keeping a look out for the
"ransom" to get you to make a road trip
back to this part of the state.....LOL

Highlight of the 4th of July weekend around
here........Bill and TJ loaded the 5 x 8 poultry
trailer full of chickens and rabbits and headed
for Afton Saturday morning.....The new "weld"
on the trailer broke and the trailer flipped
5 times up the highway. Thankfully there
wasn't any traffic that time of morning.....
and only a couple of skinned chickens and
one rabbit got a bloody nose. Thinking about
"what could have happened".....we'll take
our loss and feel totally blessed. Now they
have a "fall project"..... trying to bebuild the
poor trailer........LOL

Have a good one !
Well it has been fun around here today.
Most of you don't know that I am a victim of arthritis.
Well, my doctor won't admit it because of my age, but I know what it is and how I feel.
I have been to the doctor six times in the last two months because of severe joint pain. He just keeps giving me different medicines to try and he wants to wait to do anything else.
I finally talked him into running blood work today. Turns out the the two pieces of fruit snacks that I had this morning will affect my blood work, so I have to go to the hospital tomorrow during my morning break at work.
He also wants me to get a muscle and nerve test done, so he can rule out the possibility of a nerve disorder.
I am now on 2 pain killers, a nerve medicine, and a muscle relaxer. I am also somehow supposed to keep a heating pad on my hands, feet, wrists, shoulders, and ankles every 15 minutes.
Yeah that isn't gonna happen when I work on my feet and with my hands 12-14 hours a day. He also instructed me to try to not type as much.
Yeah, like that is gonna happen. I spend almost all of my free time on a computer doing something.
Even all of our charting at work in on the computer. I have 4 patients all day long and have to chart on each of them every 20-30 minutes.
Can someone please explain to me how I am supposed to follow his orders, so I don't get my rear chewed out again, and work, so my bills can get paid?
I just love doctors. Apparently everyone should be able to stay home and do nothing all day.
Hi Okie BYCers,

Just got caught up on the posts, been a bit busier today.

First off Teach glad to know you are still alive and kicken', all of us were getting worried about you.

Doc just so you know we are here for Peaches and Montana while your gone. May the Powers that Be watch over you while you are across the pond in the dessert.

Al better let us know the news about your DD. K?

Chuck that is a mighty fine looking pullet you have, the picture of her in the clothes basket was really cute.

Carla hope the hours and work days get shorter. I have worked those 7 and more days straight before, it really sucks!

Sooner sorry about not getting to take vacation on during your vacation time. Maybe you can use your sick leave for vacation time.

Lynn glad you are taking it easy in the heat, it can be very dangerous but you know that.

Funchick have not seen you in a while. Hope the bird problems are finally clearing up.

Monty sounds like you had a great vacation. Now you get to rest and recup from your vacation. It has been my experience tiring vacations are the best ones.

TJ's nana you guys are so lucky. Bet that scared you all, glad things turned out ok for the animals, it could have been really bad. Someone was looking out for you.

Okie doodle - I would send you some of our rain it I could. We need the rain but this is getting to be a bit much.

Maribeth I have been trying to get ahold of the guy who had the post on craiglist for peachicks but it has been busy everytime I have called.

Hope everyone else is doing great. Uli and I are going to watch a movie before going to bed. It looks like it is going to rain so my internet will be down soon.

Have a wonderful evening folks!

evening everyone we have had about 2 inches of rain this afternoon an it sure feels nice out nice an breezy.i have my last batch of americanas hatching today.im going to miss all my hens i have lots of nice colors to pic from in these now so i guess ill be ok
Oops real quick post cuz I am getting old and forgetful.

I have some chicks to sell if anyone is interested in them. I have three silkies for sell, all I believe two are pullets and one cockeral that are about 2 1/2 months old. They are kinda odd colored, the cockeral is a buff, one of the pullets is a splotchy black and white, the other is kinda light mottled partridger colored. Like I said they are colored weird.

Also up for auction is two black americana chicks, both rooster and hen are black and the chicks are hugh like their daddy, both look to be pullets. I have three chicks that look like buff brahmas but I do not have any buff brahmas so they are probably cochin x and are really friendly. They have yellow feathered legs and are really tiny. Not sure but it looks like 2 pullets and ? on the third one. I have a couple of americana X and more will be hatching soon mostly americana, cochin and favorelle X. I will sell them really cheap, cuz as cute as they are, my birds are free rangers and this is not that kinda of place. If you know what I mean?

There is also a black langshan pullet that is about 3 months old and an ameraucana pullet that is the same age.

Lastly for sell are 4 standard partridge cochins pullets, sorry no roo to go with them since I only have one and a spare. These chicks are 3 1/2 weeks old, big and healthy.

I would be willing to trade for mottled, birchin or millie fleur cochins and of course peachicks.

If interested pm me these will only be available until Saturday then they are going to the auction. I have dark brahmas and more bourbon red poults coming on Thursday, so I need to make room.
So, which auction will I see you at this weekend? Alex on Friday night or Blanchard on Saturday?

You are still a spring chicken . . . forgetful "just happens."
So, which auction will I see you at this weekend? Alex on Friday night or Blanchard on Saturday?

You are still a spring chicken . . . forgetful "just happens."

I believe I will be attending the soiree in Blanchard on Saturday, Friday I maybe staying up to do a bit of coon hunting.

Some how two of my cochins got it. One had its head torn off and chest ate out. Stella brought it in the house so Uli could see it this morning. He said she was whining and crying over it.

Did you say you were planning on attending the Blanchard auction? If so I will see ya there.
Well, Looks like a quiet night here.
Maribeth, I am glad you didn't wash away. I hear your area got 3 to 5 inches of rain in just over an hour.
We were on the edge of the big splash and only got about a half inch.
Supposed to get another dousing on Thursday and Friday.
I think I'll hurry and trade all of my chickens for ducks.
Teach, glad to see you back.

Al, we're all anxious for news of your daughter.

Several other things I should mention, but my short term memory is so bad, I've already forgotten!

I am very excited though. My first babe hatched in my new pens this afternoon. It is the first baby of a new black/lavender split showgirl cockerel and a black/lavender split silkie pullet of my own. It is a lavender SHOWGIRL with vaulted skull and good toes. This is my very first absolutely positively lavender, and it is sooooo exciting that it is also a showgirl! There are several other eggs to hatch under the two moms, so I'm hoping for more. They could all be black though, which is also good.
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The adult ducks didn't mind the water running over the yard, but I had to rescue one of the two week old runner ducks, bring it in and dry it off and put it in a warm place. It was soaking wet, on its back and although laying on semi-dry straw when I rescued it, it was going down for the count. It is doing much better now, although it is making the brooder with the pheasant chicks in it have a damp floor.

I wanted to empty the rain guage on Sunday morning, when it had 2 inches of rain in it. Jaxon wanted to wait until it was "full" I think we can now empty it since we got about 2.5 inches here this afternoon. They closed Sooner at 44th street, less than 15 minutes after I went through there on my way home this evening. Our college age son can't understand why we don't want him to canoe the Illinois river by Tahlequah this weekend
He thinks we are silly to be worried about the water level.
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