Okies in the BYC The Original

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LOL sure wish I was there to entertain everybody, it's always more fun when we aren't just sittin around staring at everybody LOL. Besides I probably saved you guy's some $$, you know how I love to fool folks on the current bid amount

What can I say, Al? You are always the life of the party.

Still praying and pulling for you guys. Hang in there, friend.
Laying pellets have too much calcium for chicks and can damage their kidneys, which would keep a pullet from laying when she "came of age."

You can feed starter feed to your chickens that are old enough not to need it, but when fed to laying hens you will want to give them oyster shell, free choice, to make up for the lack of calcium in the feed so that their eggs have strong shells.

I try to feed chick starter until the chicks are about 12 weeks of age and then I switch to layer pellets.
Evening everyone, Sounds like those who went to the auction had a grand ol time... now with fletcher coming up soon we need to help Peaches make it a great auction night and help her where needed, ya know like bidding on nn and leaving them at her place for " safe keeping" ha ha ha..

Had a good day with the kids, dropped baby off at a friends while we took the kids to see Toy Story 3 in 3 D it was great but it made us feel old since we remember when the first 2 came out years ago....

I am going to get the tobacco leaves that we have in the freezer, from when I was going to make a insect killing "tea" with which to spray them, and get them wet and wrap around my thumb. I am going to make a paste of meat tenderizer and rub it on the stings on my legs. I have already applied some salve that has bees wax and propolis in it and the bites are somewhat better, but still hurt enough to have me considering all options.
By the way, P&B, I did in fact get in trouble with my wife for the puppet stage purchase, as predicted, although not too bad once she heard the price.

But I set it up in the living room. When our toddler great niece saw it this morning and proceeded to perform an entertaining (if violent) 15 minute puppet show, all was forgiven.

Were you aware that lions eat dragons? I had no idea.
P&B - I hurt for you!!! That's the only concern
I have about my Hollyhock seeds that Wayne
is saving....... Gees, 100+ years ago...back
when I was a kid....Daddy planted some of
Granny's seeds and grew a beautiful
wall of them. Yup, their stings are rough!

So, am going to plant the seeds in a long,
slender flower bed that is about 100 feet away
from the house. Get to enjoy the beautiful
blooms....and leave the bumble bees alone....

Guess, because it seems to work around here,
we're still using the "soda paste". TJ got stung
....again....just last week.

Way too many......chickens around here are
doing fine........LOL Depending on this nutty
weather, may try to take a pickup load to
Afton next sale. They are promising more
rain tomorrow and Tuesday........................

Have a good one !
Other question. sorry for the second post, I notice they eat more if I put their feed outside. Should I have their feeder inside or outside? I moved it inside for the rain, but when it's not raining I move it out. Does it matter?
Went to cement to day an lookd at all of Jason Glass bird's he raised this year peafowl an phesant's an pigoun's O.E's sebright's an cochin's..
Then drop by G.B1 an look'd over his cornish crop i never seen so many cornish in one place. An such nice bird's all color's. I sure wontd to take some home...
NaNa I have a whole bowl of seeds collected and will send them out this week. I am going to plant a row in my garden when I pull out the corn so I will have some to transplat next spring. I sure do like them. Mine are about ready to cut down now. The bottoms are starting grow their fall foliage to feed next years stalks.
P&B yes they do make a painful sting. I steped on one one time picking blackberries barefooted! I thought I was going to lose my foot if not die all together! I was about 10or 12! lol
WE are finally getting some slow rain showers tonight,And thunderstorms to go with them. Heat index tomorrow is supposed to be horrible because of the humidty!

Greybear another funny game name-- Pink Hatch! it was a hen for $50. It was white with red streaks on its side and breast.
Well I see you guys all got chatty on me this evening and I missed it.... Lol...

I had a little bit of company this evening so that helped smooth coat everything a little...

YES, Fletcher sale WILL move on and So will I... There will be a sale the 17th and 31st @ 5 pm.

I have several laying hens consigned... RIR, Productions, Black Australops, But no Turkens...

Well, Hope everyone has had a wonderful day. Starting to thunderstorm here, so I will turn in Early.

Hope to get some well needed rest....

Love Always,

Peaches and Hot-Dog
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