Okies in the BYC The Original

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We missed out on the rain too...it sure looked like we were going to get it, but it went along it's merry way and we stayed dry...

I know... Yesterday it was lightning so bad i hurried up and parked the lawnmower and ran into the house and it done nothing... I was so mad!

I think when that happens, you need to enjoy the show! I love watching the lightning. I don't think I will ever get tired of it...coming from California, we didn't have storms like that where I lived (on the central coast). The weather here fascinates me! I know, I know...I am easily entertained!
So what's everybody up to today? I am listening to our surgery scheduler talk about a woman needing emergency surgery becasue she fell off a barstool, and hooked her nose on something on the way down and about ripped her nose off...
can you imagine??? And she is apparently young too...

I am working, leaving work early to get to a follow up doctor's appt for my pneumonia (on second round of antibiotics and prednisone) plus a chest x-ray, and back home. I will be clippering my little Scottie, Cricket today. I think he needs his summer haircut updated since we will likely break the 100 degree mark this weekend. Oh I don't like the heat! Maybe it will be less humid...I can deal with the heat then...
Everyone loves me because I am an enabler

There are folks at the office coming to ask me about acquiring baby ducks

I love you for your Honey:) I mean your sugar

Ahh Sugar sugar.... ahh honey honey

You are my candy girl!

Hiya Jeannie!
I just talked to a lady who is going from Ohio back home to Austin,TX on Sep. 19th.
She is looking for Blue Laced Red Wyandottes (LF or bantam), Olive Eggers, or Davis or Jean BCM chicks or very young pullets that she could pick up in small quantities of 1-3.
I said I would pass this info along.
Or just Feathered Brush

Oh Grace, I love that one!

I did not think of it though; it is already her studio name. I just thought it would be a good GFM title too
Funny Thing about Chickens is that when you make plenty of house calls for work done on your house... Those same folks that come to your place to fix what ever it is you called them for will remember you as the chicken people...

Then make a house call of their own needing to rehome chickens and a Chicken pen..... and who do they call...
... nope not the ghost buster but chicken lovers...


Any ideas what they are?





One of the hens is already gifting us...

The stipulations with these guys and gals is that we must keep them... the little girl that had to give them up was very sad because in "Elgin" she cant have chickens...
but still loves them... so we said we would do our best to accomidate them for her and she was welcome to visit them any time... one of the perks of living County we can be RURAL and have chickens...
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Finally! my roos are doing thier job and seem to like the girls! Should have some eggs soon. My little brahma banty laid her first egg 2 days ago but none since. I didnt realize how much i missed egg hunting! lol anyway, being that i no longer have a bator, i am going to try the selling of eggs online. I know ebay and this site has the auctons but what other online auctions are thier for eggs? I have been out of the loop for so long I didnt realize eggbid was no longer there. Anyway, anyone know of good online auctons for hatching eggs?? Right now I am focusing on My Standard White face Blk spanish, my frizzle cochins, the little buff brahma banty is in with the frizzle cochin roo, and my americaunas. I will evenually have standard white cochins but they are still a bit young. well, anyone know anything let me know. thanks all. PS i hope i can do well selling eggs other wise i may have to go get another bator.........then comes the addiction again!
Do you raise them? I am wanting some for one of the breeding areas I'm building, We had them when I was a kid but they are an old breed and hard to find good healthy stock or so it was 15 years ago I ordered 25 straight run from a mail order supply place don't remember which one but they all had deformities crooked spines, nubs for wings etc. I figured it was most likely cause they were way too inbreed or something. I would like to get six hens and a roo at some point soon or eggs to put in the bator even would be great
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