Okies in the BYC The Original

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Ow! How many people besides me automatically put their hand to their own nose when they read this?

(and no Monty, I was not picking my nose)
Heya everyOkie!

I vote Feathered Brush or Poultry Nurse for your GFM title, Robin!

Good score on the chickens Jeannie.

I stopped by a produce stand this morning after my first round of errands. I'm thinking I'll buy tomatoes to can since mine are taking their own sweet time turning red and I want a bunch at once. I didn't buy anything, but I did ask if they had any old or damaged veggies or fruit they were going to throw out, and they gave me a big sloppy box of tomatoes! I've also stopped by and got some overripe watermelons in the past. Chicken treats!

Okay - I'm out - gotta run more errands. Everyone have a great day!
hey fun chick, are you the one i got my little white cochin banty from? you shoukld have warned me that i would get sucked in by the most awesome personality! i need more cochins! be warned folks...my banty flock is going to the cochins!!

Feathered Brush it is....

and speaking of that i guess i better go to work, its too hot to play with chickens today

The other day we were eating supper and someone was knocking on the back door, DD answered and said Mom Dad the guy from plumbing is here... So Jason and I went out and he explained that his Daughter and her family was moving into Elgin and they had a couple of chickens needing to find a home for because in Elgin you cant have chickens?( I didnt know this but because we are considered County(rural) despite our Address being "Elgin" we can have animals. He remembered us having poultry and all sorts of animals that he wanted to ask if we could take them for his 6 year old GD... We said sure and well a couple days later He shows up with the Pen and the 4 Chickens and GD in tow and unloads them. We show them around a little bit and I filled her in on the BYC that even though she is young and she cant "keep" the chickens at her new place she is welcome to come visit and join us when we have the next POOPS.

I did feel bad as I can imagine how sad it was for her to give up her first set of chickens because she had to move into an area that says NO...

SOAP BOX: with the development of all these "homes" and what not we are losing a valuable resource of RURAL land Management and if we are not careful all of us will soon be anexed into "city" living. I am seeing it and as I am sure you are... Remember to hold tight to the freedoms you currently have with owning your lil piece of Farm life.. no matter how big or small it maybe today.... as someday it will be gone and all we will have are the memories of the ...... GOOD OL DAYS
Ya'll are brave...I don't want to eat a reptile of any kind!

little late on responding but hey i will ry anything once! probably twice........ trappers huh? they sell gator and/or snake????

They sold gator when I was there, but it's been a couple of years. It didn't have as distinct a taste as I was expecting, but it wasn't bad. I don't think they had snake while I was there or I probably would have ordered it, too. The quail and trout I had was delicious, of course.
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