Okies in the BYC The Original

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To QueenPeaches,
Our trailer DID get stolen last week! We were gone only 45 min. last Friday and during that time somebody backed in, hooked up and drove off dragging the trailer till the wheel lock exploded. Left a nice, long scar on our drive.
Actually the trailer belonged to a friend of ours who lives in a fancy neighborhood and can't keep such things parked in their yard ( Neighborhood association rules, bet they can't keep chickens either). We were storing it at our place in exchange for use. We used it alot more than they did.
It's crazy how bold people can be. We always keep a trailer lock on ours, even though we live in the middle of nowhere.

There's a neighbor down the road from us who once stole a bulldozer from the county and kept it parked out on his property until the cops came out and reclaimed it. He crossed our next door neighbor's property, walked up our creek and surprised DH in the yard one time while he was cutting down a tree. He was quickly educated on how stupid it is to trespass on crazy gun-loving anti-social combat veterans' property. Haven't seen him since.
Howdie, Everyone.

I'm taking a bunch of birds to the Admiral Flea Market on Saturday. I put an ad on Craig's List and have had lots of people asking what I'm bringing. BigOkie - are you still going? I sure would like to smile and wave at someone I know. It will be super hot, so I'm going early to get a shady spot. I've already put water in the car for the birds. Did I mention it's going to be hot?

I need to go finish making my list of what I'm taking. I've already made the list three times, but I keep changing my mind about what to sell. I hate this part. Sooner - I talked to Scott on the phone. He may be too far away for just a few Delaware pullets. I'm going to call him if I have any left after the sale on Saturday.
Morning Okies,

Just doing some quick catching up here. I had a pleasant experience on my way to work. I occasionally see wild turkeys around where I live out by Draper Lake...usually 3 adults...about 6:30 this morning on my way in, there was a hen turkey and 3 big gawky juvenile babies in single file behind her...all running down the middle of the road. When I got closer to them, they all lifted up into the air and flew into the bushes. I had to laugh. It was such an enjoyable sight. Made my day.
That would have been worth a smile for certain. I just love how the poults and ducklings follow mama around in single file - unlike chicks that seem to sort of run away and then run back to the hen.
Our 4 wheeler was stolen this morning. We have been very cautious with the trailers since so many have been stolen from our area and have them behind locked gates and have tongue locks and wheel locks on them. The 4 wheeler is usually kept in a pole barn, out of site, but hubby was building me a flight pen and had it in the side yard, where it was visible from the street - if you looked between the trees just right. Anyway, it is "my fault" since he had it out to build me a pen
The police took the information but said it was unlikely it would be found.
I don't understand cutting fences and cutting chains and locks to get into someone's yard.
oh my goodness! My tiny department of 5 people is down to 3 today! Sheesh!

What's up today?

Nice trailer Peaches! I would love to have a little one like that also--I would try to enclose it though and use it for a chicken trailer for swaps and auctions...
Our 4 wheeler was stolen this morning. We have been very cautious with the trailers since so many have been stolen from our area and have them behind locked gates and have tongue locks and wheel locks on them. The 4 wheeler is usually kept in a pole barn, out of site, but hubby was building me a flight pen and had it in the side yard, where it was visible from the street - if you looked between the trees just right. Anyway, it is "my fault" since he had it out to build me a pen
The police took the information but said it was unlikely it would be found.
I don't understand cutting fences and cutting chains and locks to get into someone's yard.

Oh man! That's awful!
P&B that is horrible! that is one thing I like about where I live...very few things turn up missing...and when they do it usually shows back up in a couple days...friends borrowing stuff.

Fun chick...you need to see my set-up. I have a trailer a bit bigger but have a box I put on it to haul goats...works great for birds as well! Think I will be using it again this weekend...
Jeeze, what is up with taking other peoples stuff!!!!

People are crazy to go on other peoples property!!The trailer theif was casing our neighborhood but must not know it That well. Because if he/she did he would think twice. Just about everybody is packing. And now even more want to be.

It is funny, me being the (liberal) peace-nic that I am, I own two pistols, keep one (loaded- but we don't have kids) in my nightstand and am a very good shot. Maybe my contradictions are from from being married to a Navy guy for 16 years.

It sure is a crazy world. The more people I meet, the more I like my cats, dog and now chickens!!

Monty - you know Jack is packin, so if you stop by his place unanounced, don't suprise him. - never under estimate a person in a wheelchair
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