Okies in the BYC The Original

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hey guys...
It is hot hot hot hot... But it is summer so thats that I guess.
I need to go to fletcher myself BUT may not. Their is a rodeo in
chandler thats alot of fun. We go every year and have a good time.
That said its cool in the house maybe its a movie night?
I'm not going any place tonight except HOME. I left for work at 6:15 this morning and I have had enough. My day ends today at 3:00. This is my easy day. I normally don't get home until after 6:00.
It's just too hot out there be careful if your out in it, My outside thermometer says it's 98 right now in the shade I've been out in it and really feeling my age

I started building stands and cages for new rabbits
last night after it cooled a bit, my neighbor came over to help and while we were rounding up materials we caught 2 copperheads
and a pigmy rattler
that was over a foot long they really came out after the sun went down it made us watch our step for the whole time we were working on the cages. I froze water in a bunch of bowls and put an ice block or three in everyones waterers they are loving that today LOL
I was going to try and make the fletcher auction but with the new rabbits I just aquired I need to build several more hutches or cages, I have plenty to go around for normal rabbits but I picked up several Flemish giants most are mixed but one is full and he's big ole boy LOL
all the okies went out to play...
I did and my bator now is in bad shape.
Not sure what went wrong. everyone was hatching but now
dying. some expelling yolk sak even. Some never left the egg all the way.
I have water and wet paper towels. No one looks dry yet so Im guessing
this is the problem. AnnaBell is crying and blames me. DANG.... So I suck
at this.... Do you think they will all die?
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Evening, Okies:

We're heading out for dinner at an Italian place. Mom's in town for a visit. She came early and sat with me at the Admiral Flea Market today. It was incredibly hot, but that didn't stop the shoppers. I managed to arrive home with $215 in my pocket and an empty truck bed. It was a successful day. The folks selling rabbits next to me didn't do as well, but they were still there when I left, so maybe they had some late buyers.

Chuck - It was nice to see you. If it had been cooler, I would have hauled my chair over to your truck for a chat. As it was, I had to constantly tell myself, "It's not that bad. We'll be done soon."

When I got home from the flea market I found one of my beautiful Salmon Faverolles dead from the heat. She was the most beautifully, heavily feathered of the bunch. I misted the pens again and made sure everyone has lots of fresh water. I hate that I lost her. Her pen mates seem fine, strong, not fazed by the heat. They aren't nearly as nicely feathered as she was.

I'm getting the look. It's time to stop typing and find my handbag. Talk to everyone later.
Well I met Al and we saw Stimpy and Lou at the hospital.
Stimpy is still in ICU but stable, he opened his eyes and knew we were there but he couldn't talk.
Lou said he was a little better today. but it may be a month before he can leave the hospital.
Please keep Stimpy and his family in your prayers.
You folks that are at Fletcher, have a grand time.

Al and I had lunch in a sauna (no AC). It was the first time I have lost weight while I was eating.
Everyone stay cool.
Hope everyone is staying cool in all of these heat! Dont forget we will be having our auction next Saturday in Newcastle. Times have changed though we will be taking consignments from noon through the sale. The sale will start at 6PM this time!!! If any one has any questions fill free to call!!! (405) 426-0911 looking forward to seeing everyone next saturday!!!!
Hey Carla!

Sorry you have to work...darn job getting in the way of your auction time!

The turkey poults we got from you guys at POOPS are doing great! This morning I was cleaning out the chicken coop and scraping the roosts. The noise I made while doing that made the toms all gobble! It was hilarious! They are a good looking bunch of guys. We did end up with a pair of bourbon reds--what luck since we only got 4 poults to start with!

We also have a very unique frizzle that has a funky topnot that we got from you guys as well. Too funny! I will try to post a pic of her for you. She is a crack up!

Have you guys gotten the BLRW and wheaten Marans eggs in the bator yet for us?

Anyhow, hope your work time goes smoothly...and quickly!
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