Okies in the BYC The Original

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Congrats Grammie Robin!
I will add that change to my auction list. Is it only this time it starts at 6, or does that change apply to your next auctions too?
Monty - thanks for the update on Stimpy - I'm glad you and Al went to visit - I'm sure it meant a lot to Lou and Keith both.

I bought two 275 gallon water tanks today - my master plan is to put gutters on my garage and create a rainwater capture system so I can plant another garden and a few fruit trees down on the back part of my property.

Bethinoklahoma - I'm glad you have enough tomatoes to can - mine are not turning fast enough for me to get enough all ripe at the same time. I'm thinking I'll have to buy tomatoes to can. I've seen lots of people on Craigslist with the same idea - wanting to buy canning tomatoes.

Coral - sorry you lost your prettiest Salmon Faverolle in this heat - it is rough on them for sure. I put a frozen milkjug of water in my chicken waterer today, and I went into the run and turned over a few shovel fulls of dirt to try to get down to some cooler earth, and I hung a hose into the chain link panels and let a little water run in some shade to give them a puddle to stand in. I'm not sure what else to do for them.

On that same weather note, it seems that all the weather people keep pointing out how hot it's going to be this next several days and making a big deal out it - isn't this the usual weather for this time of year in Oklahoma? Why is it such big news?

Okay, I"m off of here again - hope everyone has a great night!
evening guys- hi tara! get a load of your guy, calling him Mr Munch, anyway, i try to have him out in the evening to exercise his leg, he is putting wight on it a little, and hopped up on the couch so he could be a lap chicken- totally took me by surprise! he is an awesome guy!



heat wise, this is almost august, so i assume this is normal....

i don't do heat well, but i am going out every couple of hours and hosing down the runs, putting ice in the water, and tossing frozen vegies in- most of them seem to hang out in the creekbed under the trees- so glad its only hot like this a month or so! was gonna get online and hunt for a mister, they had i neat one at orchlens- but i'd need two of them to everyone cool
I agree that it was too hot to stay outside today. I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible and think my husband was almost glad that I had to shut things down to get ready to go to Fletcher, since he was worried about how red my face and neck were and that I might have a heat stroke. I work a thick terry cloth headband all day to keep the sweat out of my eyes and then wore it to Fletcher since it had become part of my hairdo today. Our youngest son saw me when we got home and expressed embarrassment that I wore the headband in public. LOL!

I think you will enjoy the Flemish Giants. What colors did you get? I am in the process of switching all my Flemish Giants to the fawn color, for the purpose of showing. I will continue to keep some of the steel greys, blacks and blue for crossing with meat rabbits and for 4-H kids. They have a really calm disposition. What I like is that to meet the "standard" for showing Flemish, the adult doe has to weigh 14 lbs and the adult buck must weigh 13 lbs. As much as possible, try to keep your adult Flemish on either a solid floor or wire with straw, to avoid sore hocks. We are running water misters and fans in the rabbit barns to keep them comfortable.
Hello Everybody!!!

Well got back about an hour ago from Fletcher, have the coop closed, the new ameraucana chicks settled in and Stella just passed out on the couch next to me. Finally got caught up on posts, I did not relies I have not been on since last night.

Had a great time at the auction. Hung out with all the BYCers which is always fun. Maribeth thanks again for saving me from my tempory insanity of buying those NN chicks. My only excuse is the heat must have gotten to me or something cuz I am so "NOT" into NNs. On the other hand the ameraucana chicks I bought are so darn cute, especially the little silver splash one. It is going to be b-e-a utiful. I am hoping both of the white ones end up being completely white. That would be awsome!

Al thanks for the update on Stimpy. Praying, praying for him and Lou!!! Also congrats on the news about your DD, I can only imagine how relieved you are feeling.

Robin, congrats on the new grandbabies.
You know what they say two is better then one!!

Well folks I need to call a friend back and then hit the sack. Hey that rhymed, I'm a poet and didn't know it.
Y'all have a great night.
Peaches -
Great auction, once again. The temperature under the outdoor metal canopy was comfortable, prices were good - both for sellers and buyers - and I enjoyed visiting with some Okies from BYC. It seems like that auction has a very high percentage of BYC Okies in attendance.
It was great to see Teach and his sons and even more fun to watch them load the trailer for their trip home tomorrow.

We enjoyed watching Montana get cooled off with the water hose. He was having fun and was one very wet boy

Buster - you are like a puff of smoke - one minute you were suddenly there and a few minutes later you had left.
Of course, you may have been there longer than I realized, since I was talking to Muesky and Al and not paying much attention to what else was going on

Sgtmkt - sorry that I took so long to get that NN rooster out of your cage. I got to talking to Partywyn, Barnswallow, Peaches, and ..... and forgot that I needed to get something out of a cage.

Michael - as always it was good to see you and visit for a few minutes. I had to laugh though when Teach said he was going to follow you home. He just got rid of birds and was already restocking at your place
Admit it MB you were sweating to the Oldies.. ha ha sorry I couldnt help but picture richard simmons and his work out videos' but that is only because you said you wore a thick terry headband

Actually, I was probably sweating because I AM an "oldie"

I wouldn't mind being as thin as Richard Simmons but am not willing to put out the physical effort necessary to sweat it off doing exercise.
Besides, my headband was partially hidden by my hair and I think Richard has fluffier hair than I do.
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